Daniela Müller-Eie


Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
KE C-323
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I am a Professor in Urban Planning with an educational background in architecture and urban design, and a PhD in sustainable urban development (architecture) from the Mackintosh School of Architecture / Glasgow University (2012). 


I am part of the research group in Sustainable urban development, planning and design and the Smart sustainable cities research network. In my research, I focus on 
•    Urban sustainability: sustainable development of the urban built environment and sustainable urban mobility, related land use and transport planning measures and the assessment of their effectiveness
•    Urban sustainable behaviour: the human, social, and cultural aspects of urban sustainable lifestyles and the need for behaviour change
•    Urban quality: spatial quality and its relationship to quality of urban live, as well as human behaviour and perception  




I teach at the 5-year master in City and Regional Planning (since 2013) and I have been study program leader (2016-2020).

I currently teach the following courses:

BYG105 Spatial understanding and urban theory
BYG500 Urban analysis and planning methods

I am also responsible for:

Bachelor thesis in civil engineering - urban and regional planning
Master thesis in city and regional planning
BYG900 PhD Project course in Urban Planning
