Quality development of supervised professional training

The quality development of the supervised professional training happens both at course- and programme level. Supervised professional training is a big part of the students' education. For the education to maintain high quality, it is necessary for the supervised professional training to meet the learning outcome goals set for it. it is therefore important to collect systematic data regarding the quality in the supervised professional training at UiS.

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Quality development of supervised professional training

Supervised professional training at UiS

UiS is meant to be the link between the place of the supervised training and the students, and must accommodate for the best possible completion of supervised training.

For this to function, there must be good communication with both students and place of supervised training, and also being conscious of how UiS can contribute into the supervised training field. Supervised training must be an educational co-creating arena for students, supervised training teachers and for UiS' teachers.

It is also presumed that students having their supervised training abroad, and international students having their professional training through UiS, is included in the same quality system as the national on-campus students. 

Course coordinator or supervised professional training coordindator is responsible for the evaluation of the supervised training period. The evaluation is completed digitally.

a) Student evaluation of supervised training

ResponsibilityCourse coordinator/supervised professional training coordinator 
FormDigital questionnaire
Time After finished supervised training period
FrequencyDecision of the dean
PurposeCollect the students' experience of supervised training 
DocumentationResults from digital questionnaire
The results from the evaluation of supervised training are published on Canvas. The results from evaluated supervised training is included in the foundation for semester evaluation and course report/programme report.

b) The place of supervised training's evaluation of UiS and supervised training 

ResponsibilityCourse coordinator/supervised professional training coordinator ​​​​​​​
ParticipantsPlace of supervised training or a collaborative organ for the places of supervised training. 
FormDigital questionnaire
Time ​​​​​​​Decision of the dean
FrequencyDecision of the dean, at least once per semester
PurposeCollect the place of supervised training' experience of supervised training 
DocumentationResults from digital questionnaire
The results from the evaluation of supervised training are published on Canvas. The results from evaluated supervised training is included in the foundation for semester evaluation and course report/programme report.

c) UiS' evaluation of place of supervised training

ResponsibilityCourse coordinator/supervised professional training coordinator ​​​​​​​
ParticipantsRepresentative from UiS
FormDigital questionnaire
Time ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Decision of the dean
FrequencyDecision of the dean, at least once per semester
PurposeCollect UiS' experience of the supervised training place and period
DocumentationResults from digital questionnaire
The results from the evaluation of supervised training are published on Canvas. The results from evaluated supervised training is included in the foundation for semester evaluation and course report/programme report.

d) Dialogue between students, place of supervised training and UiS after completed supervised training and evaluation

AnsvarCourse coordinator/supervised professional training coordinator ​​​​​​​
DeltakereStudents, place of supervised training or a collaborative organ for the places of supervised training and representative from UiS
TidspunktDecision of the dean, at least once per semester
FrekvensDecision of the dean
FormålCollect opinions and experiences from all parts in supervised training to improve the supervised professional training at UiS
DatagrunnlagResults from digital questionnaire
Innholdall parties have the possibility to discuss the supervised training period, and their experiences of it. Minutes from the dialogue are written and are included in the foundation for semester evaluation and course report. 
DokumentasjonMinutes from dialogue
The minutes from the dialogue between the three parties is included in the foundation for the semester evaluation and course report/programme report.