Guidelines for using Zoom for audio recording when conducting interviews in student assignments

If it is not possible to conduct an interview in physical presence, it will be possible to use Zoom to make an audio recording of the interview.

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Students working on private devices

Elev som har laptop på bordet foran seg. Videosamtale med to andre elever.

It is not allowed to record the interview by using the Zoom record function.

When conducting an interview in Zoom, use a suitable stand-alone unit for audio recording and carry out security measures as mentioned below.

What data can be audio recorded in Zoom?

By following the guidelines described here, it is possible to record audio that contains data classified as red and below. Red data can be data that is described as high-risk projects. All audio recordings made in interviews should in principle be classified as red data, sensitive personal information. The reason for this is that you cannot control what the interview subject will convey.

o High-risk projects are projects that have topics that include sensitive information.

o High-risk projects can also be projects that deal with vulnerable groups.

Prerequisites for audio recording through Zoom

1. Stand-alone audio recording device.

Nettskjema-diktafon-app is a service that is available to all students and employees through Nettskjema. Nettskjema-diktafon-app is downloaded on your mobile device and linked to an audio form in Nettskjema that you create. When you conduct an interview in zoom, activate the dictaphone app and record the sound from the Zoom interview securely through the app. Upload the recording in the app to Nettskjema and listen to it within Nettskjema. The app recording is encrypted and not available for replay on your phone, as part of the safety measure.

Alternatively, you can store audio recordings in Zoom through an encrypted analog dictaphone. Costs related to the acquisition of encrypted dictaphone must be covered by the student self. The reason for encryption is to prevent the data from becoming available to others if you lose the dictaphone.

2. Security requirements when conducting the interview in Zoom:

  • Log in to with your UiS / Feide login.
  • Activate end-to-end encryption.
  • Meeting link must not be shared openly.
  • The meeting must be password protected.
  • The lobby / waiting room must be used to let the right people into the meeting.

Se også Retningslinjer for behandling av personinformasjon i studentprosjekter