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The research project Read to Me focuses on assessing children's reading as they read engaging texts aloud. The goal of the project is to provide teachers with more knowledge about the relationship between motivation and reading.
In the EKCO-project, after school program staff, together with researchers, will examine how after school offerings in five countries currently operate, with the aim of developing new and improved practices in the field.
Open discussions brought on by reading fiction, a sense of belonging, and a feeling of autonomy can be reasons why participating in reading groups is positive for people with cancer.
Making digital books available for children across the world
Literacy instruction and creative writing are combined in AILIT, by cutting-edge use of AI and principles from game design.
Human Reading Assessment is an NRC-funded research project exploring new methodologies for adaptive reading assessment. The project will start in April 2024.
Which classroom practices are critical for creating an engaging learning environment? UiS researchers from different disciplines are collaborating to find the answer to this, in a new, large research project.
This is the library's subject page for studies linked to The department of Early Childhood Education, The department of Education and Sports Science, Norwegian Reading Centre, and Centre for Learning Environment.
The Norwegian Reading Centre is an active research centre within the Faculty of Arts and Education at the University of Stavanger, Norway.
A recent Norwegian study shows strong associations between first grade students feeling liked and respected by their teacher, and their achievement in reading.
62 research assistants visit in 300 classrooms to test the reading- and writing skills of 5500 Grade 3-students in the Two Teachers project.
Principal investigator Kjersti Lundetræ is professor in Special Educational Needs and director at the Norwegian Centre for Reading Education and Research, University of Stavanger.
Elisabeth E. S. Rongved is communications and knowledge exchange adviser at the University of Stavanger.
The Reading Centre’s Research Unit for Assessment of Literacy Skills (RUALS) develop reading- and writing assessments that provide accurate information on pupils’ skills, and that are useful for addressing individual learning needs.
Researchers at the Norwegian Reading Centre will study the use of storybook apps and print picture books in language focused reading activities in kindergartens. The aim is to develop an app that kindergarten staff can use to consider to what extent specific features of e-books are appropriate for such activities.
DigiHand explores the emergence of handwriting skills in digital classrooms.
A recent Norwegian study shows strong associations between first grade students feeling liked and respected by their teacher, and their achievement in reading.
Do you read for your toddler? Have you noticed that toddlers that are used to being read to, already have learned a lot about being a reader?
When secondary school pupils read demanding fiction, they become engaged by the difficult nature of the texts, and approach the texts in a manner that is relevant for the subject of literature, a new PhD thesis shows.
A new research projects aims to develop new measures for middle school students who struggle with reading. To successfully reach this goal, collaboration with schools and teachers in the project development phase is essential.