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Registration is now open for the World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF), which will take place in Stavanger from June 11-13, 2025 "With the world's leading researchers in the field of bullying on the program, as well as an increased focus on practical applications, we expect great interest in WABF 2025," says chair of the conference, Hildegunn Fandrem.
Do you remember the scented erasers you had as a child? ‘Scratch and sniff objects’ have now made a comeback.
A new research project is going to look into whether Sámi students in Norwegian schools are more involved in online bullying than other students, as a result of their background. “There is hardly any research on Sámi schoolchildren and online bullying,” says Luisa Morello.
The world's largest anti-bullying conference, the World Anti-Bullying Forum, will be held in Stavanger, Norway, in 2025. The world's foremost researchers, kindergarten teachers, schoolteachers, kindergarten and school leaders, politicians and organizations will gather to find out how we can better research and work against bullying.
LIFE wants to achieve a new and improved understanding of life skills education (LSE) in Norwegian schools.
In this selection of video abstracts, we provide a glimpse into exciting and important research topics about early childhood education, school, and learning, based on articles written by researchers at the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment.
In the months of August and September, professor Natalia Kucirkova had the pleasure to visit the University of Turku as part of the INVEST Fellowship Programme.
WiKIT is a social enterprise that was spun off from the University of Stavanger, and was created with the goal to bridge academia and industry in the educational technology (EdTech) field by integrating scientific research into the development and implementation of digital learning tools for children.
In the INTERACT research project, teachers receive guidance from their own specially trained coaches. “I am lucky to be able to mentor such committed and skilled teachers”, says coach Liv Jorunn Byrkjedal-Sørby.
What role do parents have in the prevention of cyberbullying? The international research project PARTICIPATE will seek answers to this.
Odors change as the weather changes. Rain or sunshine, there are interesting smells, both outside and inside, to discover, explore and talk about together with children. All you need is your nose. Let your fantasy lead the way and discover the magic of smell together with the children.
Digital bullying is a big challenge all over the world. The PARTICIPATE project is looking at this research theme in relation to parents. The project will consist of a multi sectoral, interdisciplinary world class PhD programme. The programme consists of networking and exchange of information and competence about digital bullying in Europe.
All over the world, children are being bullied by adults in school. New research now shows that these students could also be at increased risk of being bullied by their fellow students
Stereotypical expectations prevail and harm the aspirations of many females working in academia, especially those with an ethnic minority background. Now, Professor Natalia Kucirkova and Head of Career Development Loleta Fahad, have written a book to inspire women in academia.
Teacher Olaug Ueland receives feedback on her teaching from a personal coach. The goal is to make interaction with the pupils even better, and for the teaching to be more engaging.
On the 16th of August, the Sensory Books team held their first group gathering after the summer holidays. It was a momentous event since the team welcomed to Stavanger, Lotte Meeuwissen, the play, design and learning consultant of the research project.
Smell is an important sense that activates memories and enhances experiences. Yet, smell is often neglected in learning and in activities designed for children. Our new exhibition was designed to engage children’s sense of smell in their exploration of the story “The Three Little Pigs”.
Four editors representing four countries to helm flagship journal.
The PARTICIPATE Project has been awarded NOK 6 million for research on cyber bullying and the role of the parent. "More research on this subject is crucial", Hildegunn Fandrem says.