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You will find your curriculum in the digital curriculum list system Leganto. Here, you also gain access to articles and digital resources, check availability in the library, and can place yourself in a queue to borrow borrowed materials.
Nettskjema is a Self-service solution for secure data collection available for employees and students at the University of Stavanger, and can be used for questionnaires, audio recordings, information letters and submission of information.
Already a student at UiS? Search for your study programme and courses for the current academic year.
The University of Stavanger offers several free software packages and services for students attending UiS.
The printing solution at UiS is called Follow Me Print. The solution allows you to print from all printers at UiS. You can send files to printers from both UiS' computers and your own PC.
As a student at UiS, you must activate your IT user to be able to use IT services at UiS.
Rayyan is a free, web-based tool that lets you screen your references for systematic reviews or other large literature reviews. Rayyan facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple people to screen the same references independently (blinded). You can use Rayyan after you have performed your literature search and collected the results in EndNote or Zotero.
It can be challenging to keep track of the literature you use of in your studies and research. It is not always easy to know how to display your in-text citations correctly in your work, or what the requirements are for a complete and correct reference list. EndNote is a tool that can help you with this. EndNote is used at most universities and colleges.
Overwhelmed by large amounts of non-numerical data? NVivo is a great tool if you need to sort through qualitative data such as interviews, surveys, articles or data from social media. NVivo can help you structure your data analysis process, and make your work more efficient.
Tableau allows you to quickly make large and unmanageable data into easy-to-read overviews. You can convert data into charts, tables and other graphic visualisations. These visualisations can easily be shared with others.
Zotero is a free and user-friendly program that creates references and bibliographies for you. Zotero collects and keeps track of all the sources you use. If you use Zotero correctly you will get a correct bibliography and references in the right place in your document. Zotero is well integrated in Word, and it works with LaTeX and Google Docs.
The library offers classes that helps you with academic writing and reference management. We offer open classes for students and staff at UiS. Lecturers at UiS can request classes from the library for a student group.