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Three of the city’s leading institutions invite you to Tøff Tids Tale, a compelling series of events exploring freedom of speech in our time.
Universitetetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug
Launch Event: Societal Safety in the Public Debate
Universitetsbiblioteket, Campus Ullandhaug
Drop by the library to join our language café.
University library
Experience No Name live.
Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug
A Greenhouse Research Talk by Faisal Husain, Associate Professor of History, Penn State University
Hulda Garborgs hus
A Greenhouse Research Talk by Charlotte Wrigley, research fellow at the University of Stavanger
Hulda Garborgs hus
An UiS School of Business and Law seminar with Eleonor and Magnus Kristoffersson, Örebro University
UiS, Ullandhaug Campus, Elise Ottesen-Jensens hus
An international congress and contest aiming to disseminate and evaluate the recent advances in different topics of engineering science as well as modern research topics in the 21st century, structural health monitoring, smart structures, smart cities, and sustainability.
University of Stavanger
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
University library
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullanghaug
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
University Library, kongsgårdsalongen
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books with others? Then Ex Libris' book club might be right up your alley.
University Library
Are you considering going on exchange to Australia this autumn?
Arne Rettedals hus
Drop by the library to join our language café.
Universitetsbiblioteket, campus Ullandhaug
Kickstart your day with an exciting dive into UiS's groundbreaking research on geothermal energy, while enjoying breakfast!
University Library, Ullandhaug Campus