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About UiS
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Our communication team is ready to handle inquiries from the media and other stakeholders, nationally and internationally.
News from the rector
Rector Klaus Mohn welcomed the students to a new academic year during the opening ceremony at Campus Ullandhaug today. Read the speech here.
News from the rector
Rector Klaus Mohn's speech at the university's doctoral creation ceremony on 28 October 2022.
At UiS, the University Board is the highest governing body. The Rector holds the highest academic and administrative responsibility. The academic activities at UiS are organised into six faculties and several national research and competence centres, in addition to the Archaeological Museum.
Our advisors help journalists find information or the right person to interview.
News from the rector
– I want you to know that I am very proud of you. The efforts you have made are an important reason why the University of Stavanger has kept afloat during the pandemic. You have all loyally and successfully complied with infection control measures. In addition, we have had some well-deserved luck. There is very little infection at our university.
The UiS-IT department consists of 45 employees who provide IT services for 1600 employees and 12000 students.
The International Office provides strategic and operational support and advice to the management, academic groups and students regarding internationalisation of educational programmes, mobility and partnerships.
The joint services at UiS are organised into four divisions and headed by the prorector for research, the prorector for education, the prorector for innovation and society and the the director for organisation and infrastructure.
NETTOP is a department that develops digital teaching and e-learning in collaboration with the academic divisions at the university. We create everything from complete online courses to games, videos, apps, podcasts, simulations and other digital tools that contribute to learning.
The top management team at the UiS consists of rector, prorector for research, prorector for education, prorector for innovation and society, and the director of organisation and infrastructure.