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Øyvind Time's master's thesis can help make everyday life easier for healthcare personnel who must learn how to take a fluid sample from the spinal cord or administer an epidural.
Carlos Eduardo Lopes da Silva has compared the two oil cities Stavanger and Macaé in Brazil.
Use of histopathology to identify changes in marine species in response to contaminants is a long-known practice.
Drinking juice with a lot of antioxidants, for example from blueberries, can be beneficial in preventing dementia. New research at UiS will examine this in more detail by analyzing gut bacteria from elderly people who are at risk of developing Alzheimer's.
We are developing functional materials and process chemistry for energy and environmental applications.
The purpose of the new research project is to support advancement of Blastocystis research by bringing together professionals from various
disciplines and countries.
Our planet faces many challenges that we can only tackle in an interdisciplinary manner. The One Health ambition encompasses human, animal, plant and environmental health by focussing on the interaction between disciplines and effect on the total environment.
Our research aims to contributing on a sustainable use of the red seaweed Palmaria palmata in aquaculture. The work focuses on life cycle and nutritional potential.
Marine Sewage Outfalls – Environmental Impact Evaluation (SANOCEAN) focusing on ocean research including blue economy, climate change, environmental research and sustainable energy.
University of Stavanger (UiS) and Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) will work together to find solutions for patients with chronic intestinal diseases.
Could the bacteria in our guts help us improve cancer treatment? This is one of the key questions in a new research collaboration between University of Stavanger and Stavanger University Hospital.
How can we achieve better health for humans, animals, and the environment? This is the challenge students and researchers will work on when the education project NorBra receives support for four new years.
Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering is focused on research, innovation and education in the natural and life sciences.