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About UiS
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There is a new, free, maths and physics drop-in support centre at UiS. The service is offered by Theta, the linjeforening for maths and physics students, with support from Department of Mathematics and Physics.
How can the established theory of particle physics, the Standard Model, be used to predict the material properties of the cores of neutron stars? Researchers at the University of Stavanger might have the answer.
Do you want to learn more about the smallest building blocks in nature? UiS have invited three world famous physicists to tell us in everyday language about the role particles play in nature and the strong forces binding them together.
A proposed centre of excellence (SFF), Quark-Lab will build a bridge between the collider physics and gravitational wave astronomy communities based on fundamental theory.
A young an amibitious research group received the Lyse Research Prize for 2019, having been recognized on the national and international physics scene.
The Department of Mathematics and Physics performs research and offers education in the fields of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics.