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Center management and all employees at Centre for learning environment. Click on "Page content " to find a specific person.
Attending childcare for the first time can be extra challenging for shy children. To support shy children's well-being as best as possible, the staff needs to recognize children’s needs in different situations. A good collaboration between parents and childcare staff is extra important when there are shy children in the group.
Professor Merja Stenroos has been awarded the most prestigious grant from the EU, the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. It is the first time a UiS research project has been awarded a grant from the ERC.
The aim of the programme is to stimulate childist research across the academy, test and evolve the concept of childism, and inform childist social and political justice processes.
Melissa Bond, associate professor 2 at the Knowledge Center for Education, has been appointed as a member of the editorial board of the journal Review of Education.
What factors make the relationship work well between the kindergarten and multilingual parents? A forthcoming, systematic review will address this topic. The research project is presented as a protocol in KCE's new journal - Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education.
The Sustainable Futures in Education (SuFu) strategic research initiative is an interdisciplinary research programme which aims to expand our theoretical and practical understanding of how sustainability thinking and praxis can be integrated into higher education, and particularly within teacher education programmes.
The Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education (NJSRE) announces the first publication.
Students who have Norwegian as a second language will now be offered extended academic guidance during their first semester at UiS.
The library now gives you access to a new online resource for students in history and related fields.
Check our Call for papers and get in touch. We look forward to your contribution!
All over the world, children are being bullied by adults in school. New research now shows that these students could also be at increased risk of being bullied by their fellow students
Teacher Olaug Ueland receives feedback on her teaching from a personal coach. The goal is to make interaction with the pupils even better, and for the teaching to be more engaging.