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Environmental neuroscience integrates environmental, social, and cognitive psychology with social, cognitive, and behavioral neuroscience.
POL-AID examines populism in Nordic societies and its implications for democracy.
How can the tunnel safety industry benefit from the use of 5G networks and V2X communications? What challenges do road tunnels introduce for the deployment of such solutions, and how can they be solved?
Over the last 15 years, research by the Department of Safety, Economics and Planning (ISØP) at The University of Stavanger has enhanced knowledge about risk management and risk regulation among policymakers and risk authorities in the Norwegian petroleum sector.
The COVID pandemic has very quickly became a social crisis, from being a mere health crisis. Research led by the Risk analysis and governance group at UiS has provided valuable insights regarding the critical role of trust in authorities and collective responsibility in effective crisis management, advocating for comprehensive risk communication strategies across all governance levels.
The PAN-FIGHT researchers publish a number of research articles and reports. Here is an overview of all related publications.
The project consists of five separate, but interconnected work packages (WPs).
In December 2020 the Research Council of Norway announced that KATS will receive funding for phase 2, and the project will therefore continue until March 2024.
Ana Llopis Alvarez defended her thesis December 2nd. She has investigated how living conditions affect how well we are doing. And why is it that immigrants generally experience a poorer quality of life than Norwegians, even though they live in the same neighborhood?
The ROADMAP project has the overall objective to establish a European «doctrine on disaster risk and crisis management», funded on the mutual cooperation between scientific communities and disaster risk management authorities.
The RISKSEC 2.0 project studies local climate change adaptation – from risk governance to securitisation strategies?
Aiming to promote innovation and achieving increased tunnel safety, a research group has been established at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IDE) at the UiS with its members and collaborators representing the fields of ICT and tunnel safety.
The Cognitive Lab is the only arena at UiS where all faculties meet and collaborate on research at the highest level. The lab provides the natural sciences with a meeting place for the health sciences, psychology and various disciplines that study social conditions, human behaviour and learning.
The ProCrits project will reveal the effects of tendering on the resilience of critical services.
Funded by the European Union's H2020 research and innovation programme, BuildERS works on increasing the social resilience capital of European communities and citizens.
The PAN-FIGHT project studies how to fight pandemics with enhanced risk communication. Messages, compliance and vulnerability during the COVID-19 outbreak are central themes.
This research group delivers new knowledge about societal safety and the concept of risk itself.
Are you a risk communication practitioner? Below are a collection of PAN-FIGHT outputs that may be of relevance to your work.