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A new research project is going to look into whether Sámi students in Norwegian schools are more involved in online bullying than other students, as a result of their background. “There is hardly any research on Sámi schoolchildren and online bullying,” says Luisa Morello.
What role do parents have in the prevention of cyberbullying? The international research project PARTICIPATE will seek answers to this.
Digital bullying is a big challenge all over the world. The PARTICIPATE project is looking at this research theme in relation to parents. The project will consist of a multi sectoral, interdisciplinary world class PhD programme. The programme consists of networking and exchange of information and competence about digital bullying in Europe.
All over the world, children are being bullied by adults in school. New research now shows that these students could also be at increased risk of being bullied by their fellow students
The PARTICIPATE Project has been awarded NOK 6 million for research on cyber bullying and the role of the parent. "More research on this subject is crucial", Hildegunn Fandrem says.
Approximately 40.000 (5 percent) children and teenagers in Norway experience bullying on a regular basis. Nearly as many are bullies.
Bullying can have serious and long-lasting consequences for the victim. Children that have experienced being bullied can develop various difficulties. Even though the bullying has stopped, victims of bullying may struggle with the consequences for years afterwards.