Bjergsted: Study Administration

Do you need help? Here you can see who helps with what in the study administration at the Faculty of Performing Arts.

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Feel free to contact the study administration by e-mail or visit the Student Service Desk in the administration.

Opening hours expedition: Monday, Wednesday and Friday kl. 10:00 - 11:30 og 12:00 - 15:00.

Expedition and Study Coordinator for Digitale Studies

Ranja K. Gärtner is responsible for the expedition and the related services.

She can help with schedules, room booking, keys, and rentals. Ranja is also the study coordinator for digital studies. She can answer questions in relation to studies, exams, leave and absence, and can also help with various forms of documentation.

Higher Executive Officer
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK
Study Coordinator for Dep. of Classical Music

Anne Siri Norland is the study coordinator for students at the Department of Classical Music. She can answer questions related to study programs, education plans, and path choices, questions about exams and repertoire lists, applications for admission from previous studies, leave and absence. She can also help with various forms of documentation.

Anne Siri is the contact person if you need accommodation during the study and/or individually arranged exams. This can be relevant if you have chronic and temporary disabilities or other health problems.

Welcome for a talk in room 1312!

Campus Bjergsted
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK
Study Coordinator for Jazz, Dance and MPR

Lena Crosby Haug is the study coordinator for students of jazz, dance, and music production and recording (MPR).

She can answer questions related to study programs, education plans, path choices, and exams, applications for admission from previous studies, leave and absence. She can also help with various forms of documentation.

Lena is responsible for incoming exchanges.

Welcome for a talk!

Senior Executicve Officer
Campus Bjergsted
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK
Study coordinator for PPU and admission

Per-Erik Petersen is the study coordinator for students taking practical pedagogical education for performing and creative arts subjects (PPU), both as a one-year programme and integrated into the bachelor's programme.

He can supervise students who have questions related to course of study, education plans and choices, questions about exams, PPU practice, leave and absence, and can also help with various forms of documentation.

He is working with application and admission to the faculty's dance studies. He can help with all types of questions about application and admission.

Per-Erik is also responsible for outbound exchange.

Higher Executive Officer
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK
Reseach coordinator

Elina Borg Björnström is research coordinator. She is administratively responsible for the PhD program in artistic development work and for other research support at the faculty.

Elina can respond to inquiries related to new PhD announcements, disputas, the Bjergsted conference, PhD seminars and the scientific journal PlaySpace.

Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK

Jannicke Fjermestad is working with applications and admission to the faculty's studies. She is administratively responsible for the admission processes at the faculty. She can help with all types of questions about application and admission.

Jannicke has additional responsibility for the start of the semester and recruitment.

Fakultet for utøvende kunstfag
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK

Vilde Baklid is working with application and admission to the faculty's studies. She is responsible for the admissions systems used in the admissions work at the faculty. She can help with all types of questions about application and admission.

Vilde can also help with questions about admission of courses from external education.

Senior Executicve Officer
Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK

Lene is the faculty communication adviser.

Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK
Team coordinator

Aslaug Margareth Vasshus is team coordinator for the study administration. She has the following responsibilities:

Team coordinator for the study administration, quality coordinator for the faculty's studies, responsible for the faculty's study portfolio and follow-up of complaints about formal errors

Faculty of Performing Arts
Faculty Administration UK

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