Digital communication in service organizations (BDS110)

The usage of digital communication channels has risen tremendously over the years to become a deciding factor in creating customer experience and business growth. Digitalization has transformed the role of both customer and organizational communication. Innovative communication technology, enhanced access to information, and increased possibilities to engage internal and external stakeholders through social media provide new communication opportunities for organizations. Customers are connecting through a continuously increasing number of digital communication channels. They are also communicating with each other on channels like messenger apps, texting, SMS, webchat, and more, discussing the services that organizations provide. Utilization these digital communication channels is one of the key strategies to help improve end-user and employee satisfaction. Furthermore, applying these channels into innovative use cases, like self-service and automation of repetitive tasks, can further improve satisfaction for both end-users and employees.

Course description for study year 2023-2024


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction

English, Norwegian


In this course, the students will be introduced to central theories and discourses in studies of communication, digital media and how this is related to stakeholder relations and digital service management. The purpose is to provide the students with analytical and conceptual tools in order to be able to understand, reflect and manage over the role of digital media in communication and relations with customers, internal and external stakeholders. The course provides the students with an understanding of the role of digital media in relation to technological practices, discourses and power from a transformational perspective.  This involves knowledge how to establish a digital communication strategy that includes the use of digital communication channels to build customer loyalty, user experience and improved service quality. This also includes knowledge of digital change processes and integrating digital communication solutions into organizational policies and strategies.

Learning outcome


The candidates will

a. Have knowledge how communication is an integrated part of digital service management.

b. Has knowledge and understanding of basic principles and models of internal and external organizational communication through digital channels.

c. have knowledge of central theories and discourses associated with digital communication/media and stakeholder relations.

d. have knowledge of how digital communication solutions can be integrated into organizational policies and strategies.

e. have knowledge of the role of digital media in relation to technological practices, change processes, power and dialogue in organizations.

f. Have knowledge and practical insights into how to address the new Corporate Communications challenges are coming as a part of the general digital transformation in society and business.


The candidates will

a. be able to apply acquired knowledge to plan and implement digital communication strategies in an

organizational context.

b. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of digital and and traditional communication channels.

c. be able to apply analytical and conceptual tools in order to manage and reflect over the role of digital media in communication, dialogue and relations with internal and external stakeholders.

d. be able to apply knowledge of transformational processes in planning digital change processes in organizations.

e. Be able to recognize central principles of planning and implementing effective internal and external digital communication in an organization and with customers, and is able to apply these in order to communicate more effectively in a service and organizational context.

General competences

The candidates will

a. be able to reflect around ethical perspectives related to digital communication in organizational and service contexts.

b. Be able to reflect around and apply digital communication as a success factor of an excellent Customer Experience

c. be able to apply course theories and perspectives in new areas and situations related to digital communication and dialogue with employees, customers and other stakeholders.

d. be able to communicate and engage in discourses about research-based theories and analyses in the area of digital communication and stakeholder relations.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Letter grades None permitted

Coursework requirements

Compusory assignment
A mandatory group home assignment with a presentation must be passed in order to be admitted to take the final exam.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Sigbjørn Barlaup Pedersen

Course teacher:

Tone Therese Linge

Course coordinator:

Tone Therese Linge

Method of work

The course consists of a combination of lectures (synchronous and asynchronous), case discussions, and self-study. Students are expected to prepare themselves prior to the classes by reading the part of the syllabus that is relevant for each lecture.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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