Workshop with Hugh Kearns

If you're a researcher then at some stage you are going to have to present your findings. It's tempting toget up and just read your paper, but to really speak to your audience you need to be able to communicateskilfully and with conviction. We've all been to dull presentations so it's worth your while spending alittle time to learn how to do it properly.
This workshop will provide a clear step-by-step structure that you can use again and again to give high quality presentations. It will cover:
- How to make your message relevant to your audience
- How to structure and link parts of your talk
- Preparing materials, notes, handouts, powerpoint
- Practicing
- Delivery
- How to handle questions
- Dealing with nervousness
And it will be interactive and fun!
This is a digital course that will take place on Zoom.
Language: English
Target group: PhD candidates and post docs at the University of Stavanger
Contact Malin Henden, Research department, if you have any questions.
Hugh Kearns is a public speaker, educator and researcher. His areas of expertise include self-management, positive psychology, work-life balance, learning and creativity.
He draws on over twenty five years of experience as a leading training and development professional within the corporate, financial, education and health sectors in Ireland, Scotland, North America, New Zealand and Australia. He has coached individuals, teams and executives in a wide range of organisations in the public and private sectors, and has held several courses at UiS in recent years.