Ornitologisk folkeforskning og miljømedborgerskap konferanse

Fredag 30. juni 2023 kl. 09:00-15:00,
Norway House, Brussel, Belgia.

EnviroCitizen ønsker velkommen til en tverrfaglig konferanse om potensialet av ornitologisk folkeforskning til å oppfordre til miljømessig medborgerskap.

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Logo til EnviroCitizen prosjektet. Tre mennesker ser på en fugl

We are pleased to announce that on 30 June 2023, EnviroCitizen is hosting an interdisciplinary conference at Norway House in Brussels (Belgium) to discuss the potential of ornithological citizen science in fostering environmental citizenship. The main aim of this event is to share the project’s findings concerning the past, present, and future of birding as a way of caring for and about the natural world.

Project partners from the University of Stavanger, the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Cyprus Center for Environmental Research and Education, New Europe College, Radboud University, the University of Extremadura, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences will present their project results regarding ornithological citizen science across seven European countries. We will also be joined by invited experts who will comment on the role of birding in shaping ecological sensitivities through the lens of natural science, history, social sciences, and literary studies.

We hope you will join us to discuss birding as a past, present and future pathway to environmental citizenship!

The event will be free and will include a simple lunch. Registration will open in early May. Sign up for email updates here