Vilkår for økonomisk tryggleik

Torsdag 8. juni 2023 kl. 11:30-12:30,
EOJ 277/276 and on Zoom.

Seminar om særeigenheiter ved pedagogisk og vitskapleg aktivitet ved Sumy State University, Ukraina under krigstidsforhold frå ei av dei tilsette, samt ein presentasjon om landas økonomiske og marknadsføringsmessige attraktivitet: Måling og posisjonering i form av økonomisk tryggleik.

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På dette seminaret vil førsteamanuensis Liudmyla Zakharikina introdusere Sumy State University, Ukraina, og dessutan halde eit foredrag om hennar siste forsking.

Seminaret finn stad på Handelshøgskolen UiS, torsdag, 8 juni frå 11.30 - 12.30.

Rom: EOJ-276/277 and on Zoom.

Vær vennleg å send ei e-post til professor Marte C. W. Solheim om du vil delta.

Seminaret vert heldt på engelsk og den vidare informasjonen er difor berre tilgjengeleg på engelsk:

1. Peculiarities of educational and scientific activity at Sumy State University in wartime conditions.

  • 1.1 Briefly about Sumy State University (
  • 1.2 The Sumy State University's own innovative development "Electronic personal office of a student and teacher" is a single window of access to various information services that allow you to conveniently and timely receive personalized information about studying and working at the university, use the functions of electronic document management, exchange information, and messages.
  • 1.3 Educational activity. Sumy State University's own innovative development Mixed Learning Platform "Mix".
  • 1.4 Scientific activity. Innovative developments of the university (

2. The Economic and Marketing Attractiveness of Countries: Measurement and Positioning in Terms of Economic Security.

  • The subject of the research is the territory’s attractiveness. The main research activities are focused on 15 countries with different levels of development. Thus, the purpose of the study is to provide an empirical study on measuring the attractiveness of defined countries and on identifying their positions comparing with others. The study suggests measuring the territory’s attractiveness from two points of view: economic and marketing attractiveness. It is proposed to measure economic attractiveness using five sub-indexes: business, production, trade & investment, environment, and logistics. At the same time marketing attractiveness consists of the following sub-indexes: social, touristic, territory’s convenience, innovation, and demand. The research results allow plotting countries on a nine-cell matrix and separate three groups of countries – countries with high (group 1), medium (group 2) and low (group 3) economic and marketing attractiveness. Recommendations and strategies of further attractiveness improvement depending on countries' current position are formed.

Liudmyla Zakharkina is Associate Professor at the Sumy State University Sumy.

She received her Ph.D. in Economics and Management of Enterprises (According to the Types of Economic Activities) (Ukraine) and Specialist in Finance (Ukraine).

The sphere of scientific interests includes economic security; investment and innovation development of entrepreneurship, region, and country; application of the concept of "values-based investing"; the impact of taxation on the investment activity of business entities; financial literacy; financial inclusion, and others.

Recently, she has been developing research into the impact of digitalization and transparency of public, corporate, and personal finance on innovative development and national security.

Zakharkinа Liudmyla – Кафедра фінансових технологій та ...
Liudmyla Zakharkina

Her research has been published in the International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, and others.

Teaching activities: Bachelor courses «Technology Commercialization», «Financial analysis», «Corporate Financial Strategy», «Online insurance», «Personal finances», and «Behavioural Finance», Master course «Taxation of business entities».