The Greenhouse: Events

Information about forthcoming and previous events

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Forthcoming events

Image of events programme for May that is also outlined in the text below

24th January: Chris Dunn, Colorado / Stefansson Arctic Institute "Applying the Environmental Humanities to Conservation Management and Policy in Iceland"

7th February: Miki Shimizu, Aoyama Gakuin University "The Planetary Imagination in American Literature"

14th February: Dolly Jørgensen, University of Stavanger "A Natural Unnatural Home: A history of gourd birdhouses for purple martins" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

21st February: Dmitrijs Porsnovs, University of Stavanger "Conquering the Ocean Frontier: Waste Artificial Reefs of Southern Florida" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

6th March: Honoka Matsuki, Aoyama Gakuin University: "Relationships Between Human and Nonhuman in D. W. Jones' Dogsbody" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

13th March: James Barilla, UiB / University of South Carolina "Local and Global: Atlantic Salmon, Urban Rivers and a Changing Climate" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

3rd April: Mitu Poddar, Shanghai University "Waste Management in Bangladesh: Dominance of the informal sector" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

10th April: Yaron Balslev, Tel Aviv University "Waste History in British Palestine: Local, Regional and European Perspectives" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

17th April: Jay Richardson, University of Cambridge "Place, Environment and Gender on Norwegian Oil Platforms, 1969-80" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

24th April: Otto Latva, Heli Rantala, Noora Kallioniemi and Maarit Leskelä-Kärki "Multispecies Histories: Perspectives from Finland" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

8th May: Elizabeth Velliky "Recognizing and reconstructing Ochre lifeworlds" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, N-106)

22nd May: Magne Drangeid, Marion G. Stavsøien, Per Esben Svelstad "Waterscapes in Literary Education" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, O-101)

Previous events

5th September: Elin McCready, Aoyama Gakuin University "Spellcasting as (non)cooperation" (14:15-15:30, Hulda Garborgs hus, HG N-107)

The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities held the course "Anthropocene, Bildung and Education." The course was a held partially digitally and partially in Stavanger, Norway.

Greenhouse Green Transitions Workshops 2022

In the fall of 2022, University of Stavanger ran a series of workshops as part of a semester-long exploration of the meanings of green transitions.

Greenhouse Green Transitions Fellows 2022

In the fall of 2022, University of Stavanger welcomed 12 guest researchers and artists from across the world to engage with each other and the UiS community in a semester-long exploration of the meanings of green transitions. Each fellow gave a talk to present their project and contributed to an international conference on green transitions.

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