Disputas om pårørende til eldre med psykiske lidelser

PROFRES-kandidat Camilla Anker-Hansen disputerte for ph.d.-graden 23. januar 2020 ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.

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Camilla Anker-Hansen portrett
Camilla Anker-Hansen disputerte for ph.d.-graden 23. januar 2020 ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.

Camilla Anker-Hansen har til forsvar for graden philosophia doctor (ph.d.) i ph.d.-programmet Person-Centred Healthcare ved fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge innlevert avhandling med tittelen: On making the invisible visible. A qualitative study of care partners of older people with mental health problems and home care services.


The concept of Ageing in place is a political goal, where care partners and home care services play significant roles. Due to this policy, older people live longer at home with increasingly complex disease states, both physical and mental. Consequently, responsibilities have increasingly shifted to home care services and care partners. In particular, the care partners of older people with mental health problems face major challenges, and they often feel unsupported in their role.

The aims of this PhD dissertation were to develop knowledge about the needs of this care partner group and to explore their collaborative relationship with home care services. The findings indicate that care partners have several, continuously unmet needs, few or no routines for collaboration exist between the care partners and home care, and the care partners seem to have little knowledge of their legal rights. Furthermore, the findings may indicate discrimination towards older people with mental health problems in accessing home care services, which can increases the burden on their care partners. Through linking the findings of the studies to a person-centred practice framework, it is demonstrated how a person-centred approach can help strengthen the collaborative relationship between care partners and home care services, and help address the support needs of care partners. 

The study suggests that it is necessary to reconsider how to fill the gap between expected areas of responsibility for home care services and what can be accomplished within the current service framework. It is not enough to grant care partners new rights; a framework must be provided enabling home care staff to fulfil these rights. Leaders and policy makers should note that increased demands and responsibilities imposed on home care staff can lead to moral compromises and inadequate care.


  • 1.opponent professor Kennet Asplund, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockholm, Sverige
  • 2. opponent professor Anne Marie Rokstad, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for Aldring og helse, Tønsberg
  • Administrator: førsteamanuensis Knut-Tore Sælør, USN


Hovedveileder: førsteamanuensis Siri Tønnessen, ISH, USN

Medveiledere: professor Brendan McCormack, Queen Margaret University og professor Kirsti Skovdahl, ISH, USN

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