Publikasjonar frå INTERACT-prosjektet

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Publikasjoner basert på data fra INTERACT

Mudhar, G. , Ertesvåg, S.K. & Pakarinen, E. (2023). Patterns of teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education associated with teacher emotional support, collective teacher efficacy, and collegial collaboration. European Journal of Special Needs Education.

Publikasjonar i INTERACT, basert på data frå tidligare prosjekt (CISL, VITE, Se videre)

Pettersen,E.B., Ertesvåg, S.K., Pöysä, S.,  Vaaland,G.S. & Virtanen,T.E. (2023). Students’ situational engagement and its association with overall engagement: the application of the InSitu instrument in the context of a Norwegian lower secondary school. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Tvedt, M.S. & Bru, E. (2023). Completion of upper secondary education: Predictions of the psychosocial learning environment and academic achievement. Learning & Instruction.