Volker Demuth

Forsker/prosjektleder forhistorisk arkeologi

Arkeologisk museum
Arkeologisk museum
Avdeling fornminner


1997: Magister Artium i forhistorisk arkeologi ved Universitet i Göttingen; Tyskland

2023: Dr. phil. i historisk arkeologi ved Universitetet i Halle-Wittenberg; Tyskland

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Demuth, Volker


      ‘Drink and eat, don’t forget God’: Decorated stoneware in a period of religious and political conflict in Norway and neighbouring parts of Scandinavia. I: Europa Postmediaevalis 2022 : Connections and networking.


      ISBN 9781803274898.


    • Demuth, Volker


      The same but different : Reflections on some medieval stoneware vessels found in Norway. I: Material exchanges in medieval and early modern Europe : Archaeological perspectives.


      ISBN 9782503593999.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Post-medieval Pottery in Norway - an International Affair. I: Europa postmediaevalis 2018. Post medieval pottery between (its) borders.


      ISBN 978-1-78969-188-7.


      DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvndv5gp.9

    • Demuth, Volker


      Steinzeug und bemalte Irdenware aus Südniedersachsen als Importe in Norwegen. I: Keramik als Handelsgut : Produktion - Distribution - Konsumption : 49. Internationales Symposium Keramikforschung des Arbeitskreises für Keramikforschung, des LVR-LandesMuseums Bonn, der Vor- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn und des LVR-Amtes für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland vom 19. bis 23. September 2016 in Bonn.

      ISBN 978-3-936490-23-7.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Medieval and early modern ceramics in urban and rural Norway as evidence for trade within the Hanseatic world. I: German trade in the North Atlantic c. 1400-1700 - interdisciplinary perspectives.

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7760-183-0.


      DOI: 10.31265/ams-skrifter.v0i27.263

    • Demuth, Volker


      Reliefverziertes Steinzeug der Renaissance in Norwegen. Gebrauchsgut, Statusobjekt und Kommunikationsmittel?! .


      ISSN 1992-3724.

      Volum 23.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Vorgeschichtliche Siedlungen und ein mittelalterliches Dorf unter neuem Asphalt – Ergebnisse der baubegleitenden Untersuchungen bei der Erneuerung der B 71 in der Ortslage Mahlsdorf, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel.

      Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt.

      ISSN 1610-6148.

      Volum 8.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Köthen Stiftstraße – Quartier an barocker Kirche mit langer Vorgeschichte.

      Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt.

      ISSN 1610-6148.

      Volum 8.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Faces and figures - myth and mentality in the motives of highly decorated pottery from Bergen. I: Nordic Middle Ages - Artefacts, Landscapes and Society. Essays in Honour of Ingvild Øye on her 70th Birthday..

      ISBN 978-82-90273-89-2.


    • Demuth, Volker


      If sherds could tell. Imported ceramics from the Hanseatic hinterland in Bergen, Norway. Producers, traders and consumers: who were they, and how were they connected?. I: Everyday Products in the Middle Ages: Crafts, Consumption and the Individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600.

      Oxbow Books.

      ISBN 978-1782978053.


      DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvh1dtfs.24

    • Demuth, Volker


      'Those who survived the battlefields' - Archaeological investigations in a prisoner of war camp near to Quedlinburg (Harz Mountains / Germany) from the First World War.

      Journal of Conflict Archaeology.

      ISSN 1574-0773.

      Volum 5.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Ein "Donnerkeil" aus Groß Steinum am Dorm ( Landkreis Helmstedt). Neolithisches Steingerät als Zeugnis frühneuzeitlichen Volksglaubens.

      Die Kunde.

      ISSN 0342-0736.

      Volum 53.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Weser and Werra Wares in Bergen: An Archaeological Perspective on Aspects of Daily Life in the Town's Early Modern Period. I: The Bryggen Papers, supplementary series 7.


      ISBN 82-7674-770-1.


  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Hillesland, Kristoffer; Gil Bell, Theo Eli; Reiersen, Håkon; Demuth, Volker; Hamre, Elin


      Arkeologiske undersøkelser av Middelalderhavnen på Gloppe (ID 115870). Gnr. 86. Bnr. 1. Avaldsnes, Karmøy kommune. Rogaland.

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Volum 2022.

      Hefte 26.

    • Demuth, Volker; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Tjemsland, Anne Elise


      Arkeologiske undersøkelser av bosetningsspor, rituelle anlegg og agrariske kulturminner. Gang og sykkelvei Skjerpe til Krossmoen; Helleland Gnr. 107, bnr. 3, 4 & 53; Eigersund kommune, Rogaland..

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2.

    • Demuth, Volker; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


      Arkeologisk undersøkelse av bosetningsspor fra eldre bronsealder, romertid og folkevandringstid på Mosterøy Gang og sykkelvei langs Mosterøyveien; Vodl Gnr. 49, bnr 3; Kåda Gnr. 51, bnr 2; Rennesøy kommune, Rogaland.

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Weserware und Werraware in Bergen/Norwegen - Bemalte Irdenware der frühen Neuzeit aus dem deutschen Binnenland als Indikator für weitreichende Wirtschafts- und Kulturbeziehungen im ehemaligen hansischen Handelsraum.

  • Formidling
    • Demuth, Volker


      Nothow – undersøkelsene 2022 på Gloppe.

      Stormøte Avaldsnes;


    • Vivås, Arild; Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano; Ravnås, Hallgjerd Håbakk


      Nothow - a hanseatic harbour at Avaldsnes in Western Norway.

      The Annual Meeting 2023: In Poseidons' Realm XXVIII;

      2023-03-22 - 2023-03-26.

    • Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano; Ravnås, Hallgjerd Håbakk; Vivås, Arild


      Middelalderhavnen på Avaldsnes. Mellom bygd og by, konger og hanseater.

      Middelalderarkeologi i Norge;


    • Demuth, Volker


      Stavanger – the Metropolis of southern Norway and its hidden medieval remains....

      Nordic Urban Archaeology;

      2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Keramikk og kontakter, handel og hanseater – arkeologiske funn fra Avaldsnes, Bergen og Stavanger som vitner om vidtrekkende nettverk i middelalderen.

      Oslo middelalderfestival;

      2023-05-28 - .

    • Demuth, Volker


      Beer, burghers, Bergen – medieval and early modern stoneware seen from Norway.



    • Reiersen, Håkon; Gil Bell, Theo Eli; Hillesland, Kristoffer; Demuth, Volker; Ditta, Massimiliano


      Endelig fant de hanseatenes havn - Vi har lett lenge etter den. Nothow, hanseatenes havn på Avaldsnes, er endelig funnet..

      Haugesunds avis.

      ISSN 0805-4967.

      Volum 128.

      Hefte 150.


    • Demuth, Volker


      Booze, sex and violence – hidden aspects of late medieval and early modern pottery in Bergen and what it was involved in.

      BNPG4 Bergen;

      2022-04-07 - 2022-04-08.

    • Demuth, Volker


      „Drink and eat, don’t forget god” – decorated stoneware in a period of religious and political unrest and conflict.

      Europa Postmedieaevalis 2022;

      2022-04-26 - 2022-04-28.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Schank- und Trinkgefäße aus südniedersächsischem Steinzeug in Verbindung mit dem spätmittelalterlichem hansischem Bierhandel..

      54. Internationales Keramik-Symposium des Arbeitskreises für Keramikforschung;

      2022-09-04 - 2022-09-10.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Gloppe / «Notow» / Avaldsnes – keramikk som kilde.

      Collegium Medievales årskavalkade ;


    • Demuth, Volker


      Examining Pottery in the North – How, Why and for Whom? Reflections on research on medieval and early modern ceramics in Norway. .

      Baltic and North Atlantic Pottery Group; 3rd meeting;

      2020-10-15 - 2020-10-16.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Über die Weser an die Fjorde – Steinzeug aus dem Weserbergland als archäologische Funde in Norwegen.

      Geschichtsstammtisch Fredelsloh;

      2020-07-12 - .

    • Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta; Fyllingen, Hilde; Denham, Sean Dexter; Gil Bell, Theo Eli; Demuth, Volker



      26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting;

      2020-08-24 - 2020-08-30.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Pottery as cargo on 17th century shipwrecks in Southwest-Norway.

      Gothenburg ceramics 2019;

      2019-04-24 - 2019-04-27.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Niederländische Keramik aus Schiffswracks vor der norwegischen Küste.

      52. Internationales Keramik‐Symposium ;

      2019-09-16 - 2019-09-20.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Archäologische Ausgrabungen im Kriegsgefangenenlager Quedlinburg.

      Die Kriegsgefangenenlager des Ersten Weltkriegs auf dem Territorium Sachsen-Anhalts;

      2018-03-03 - .

    • Demuth, Volker


      Medieval Pottery from South-Western Norway.

      Baltic and North Atlantic Pottery Research Group 2nd Meeting in Tallinn;

      2018-04-12 - 2018-04-13.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Early Modern Pottery in Norway - an International Affair.

      Europa postmediaevalis 2018;

      2018-04-16 - 2018-04-19.

    • Demuth, Volker


      „Eimerförmige Tongefäße” – eine charakteristische Töpferware des 4.-6. Jahrhunderts aus Norwegen – Reichverzierte Gefäße als Grabbeigaben und Gebrauchsgerät .

      51. Internationales Keramiksymposium;

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Islamsk glass i Stavanger.

      Frá haug ok heiðni.

      ISSN 0015-9255.

      Hefte 4.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Archaeological fiends: Wandering wares on waterways.

      Annual meeting of the EAA;

      2017-09-02 - .

    • Demuth, Volker


      Pottery from southern lower Saxony (N-Germany) and its impact on the Norwegian ceramic sequence in late medieval and early modern period.

      23rd annual Meeting of the EAA;

      2017-08-31 - .

    • Demuth, Volker


      Reliefverziertes Steinzeug der Renaissance in Norwegen – Gebrauchsgut, Statusobjekt und Kommunikationsmittel?!.

      50. Internationales Symposium Keramikforschung Innsbruck, Tirol;

      2017-09-24 - 2017-09-29.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Lower Saxon and Waldenburg stoneware in Bergen / Norway – Technology, typology and chronology of the wares and brief consideration of their relevance as cultural historical source .

      1st constituting meeting of Baltic and North Atlantic Pottery Research Group;

      2016-04-07 - 2016-04-08.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Jugs and pots - beer and stew? “Hanseatic “impact on medieval and early modern Bergen (Norway): what is hiding behind the archaeological material? .

      22th Annual meeting of European Association of Archaeologists;

      2016-08-30 - 2016-09-03.

    • Demuth, Volker


      Steinzeug und bemalte Irdenware aus Südniedersachsen als Importe in Norwegen.

      49. internationales Keramik-Symposium des Arbeitskreises Keramikforschung;

      2016-09-19 - 2016-09-23.

    • Demuth, Volker


      German ceramics in Norway in the 14th to 17th century – imported lifestyle or ordinary commodity?.

      21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists;

      2015-09-02 - 2015-09-05.

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