Strategy for the University of Stavanger: Driving Force 2030

Our strategy is named Driving Force 2030. Driving Force 2030 describes our vision, values, objectives, and strategic initiatives.

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Driving Force 2030 is a revised version of Strategy 2030, and applies from June 2024 untill 2030.

Model of the UiS strategy

We will be an open and innovative university that promotes high quality in all parts of the organisation.

Our societal mission is higher education, research, academic and artistic development work, dissemination and innovation.

We will contribute to sustainable development in terms of economy, the environment and social conditions.

We have a common direction that will be characterised by responsibility for the green transition. We will create a high level of well-being among students and staff.

Energy, health and welfare, and learning for life are our academic areas of priority.

Studenter i en forelesningssal

Vision and values


The University of Stavanger will have an innovative, international profile and be a driving force behind knowledge development and societal change processes.

Our motto:

We will challenge the well-known and explore the unknown

Universitety of Stavanger


Our core values will govern our interaction with students, each other, and society. They will help us steer towards the achievement of our vision and our objectives as a university. The University of Stavanger is:

Tre studenter kledd i helseuniform. En ligger på en sykeseng.


Students and staff will continuously interact with society and be a driving force behind the independent, critical quest for new knowledge.

As an institution built on democratic and humanistic values, we uphold academic freedom and independent research, and promote ideals such as freedom of expression, integrity, and equality.

Through critical reflection and clear communication, staff and students will put important issues on the agenda and actively participate in the academic and social debate.

Student med hørselsvern og arbeidsklær på lab.


We value transparency and will involve students and society in the academic community. We share our knowledge and expertise and break down barriers between different academic communities and the world around us. Involving means our decisions rest on a wider platform of knowledge.

Respect for each other’s differences and backgrounds promotes social and academic participation. Universal design will characterise our programmes of study, as well as the physical and digital learning environment. Diversity is valued as a resource in our working and learning environments.

Kvinnelig student iført lab frakk og vernebriller som ser på en beholder med noe blått i


We will push forward the boundaries of knowledge and skills. Creativity and innovative activity will define our scientific, artistic, and administrative activities.

We will promote the application of new knowledge and encourage wise decisions within the organisation, in society, and in working life. We will promote quality of life, good living conditions and sustainable development.

Our programmes of study will be formative journeys that develop the individual’s ability to think critically and make reflective life choices. We will be a culture bearer and a cultural explorer.

Profile: an innovative university

Challenging, exploring, and developing society makes us relevant and recognisable. Staff and students collaborate closely with the wider community in an internationally oriented and innovative region. We have a regional, national, and global perspective throughout our academic activities, and our staff and students are internationally oriented.

The University of Stavanger will prioritise student-active and innovative learning, high-quality teaching and activities relating to innovation and entrepreneurship. We will offer future-oriented education and critical, independent research of a high international standard, in which ideas are transformed into value creation for individuals and society.

Tre kvinnelige studenter på robotlaben.

Strategic objectives

Through strategic goals and thematic initiatives, the University of Stavanger will contribute to national objectives for the higher education sector.

We will work to achieve our goals through priorities that strengthen the entire university: education, research and artistic development, innovation and collaboration, organisation, and infrastructure. Our state framework funding will be allocated in a way that facilitates goal attainment.

All employees at the university have a responsibility to ensure that the goals are achieved. Managers are specifically responsible. Good leadership is a prerequisite for us to succeed with our strategic initiatives.

The University of Stavanger will be a driving force behind the development of knowledge and change processes in society.

Green transitionGreen transition characterises the development of our organisation.
EnergyUiS creates innovative solutions for the energy systems of the future.
Health and welfareUiS invests broadly in knowledge that can develop innovative health and welfare services.
Learning for lifeUiS promotes learning and formation for life through new educational approaches, targeting research-based knowledge for kindergartens, schools and working life.
An open universityUiS promotes transparency.
A good learning and working environmentUiS has a good environment that contributes to well-being, diversity, recruitment, and accomplishments.

Strategic priorities towards 2030

We will further develop the organisation, staff and academic profile through prioritised initiatives that reflect the university’s advantages, national strategies, and the needs of society.

En student står mellom hyllene på et bibliotek. Hun holder tre bøker, blant annet Norges Lover..

The strategic priorities will be followed up through action plans for the institution as a whole and for individual units and supported through the allocation of strategic funding.

Our educational programmes will be attractive, flexible, and relevant to working life. We will strengthen the university’s economic sustainability through clear priorities, renewal, and effective resource utilisation in all parts of the organisation.

Our areas of priority express our academic profile and focus and set the direction for our contributions to sustainable social development, welfare and innovation, safety, and emergency preparedness. 

We expect high quality, clear benefits for society, extensive interdisciplinary interaction, and collaboration with the world around us – regionally, nationally, and internationally.

UiS will be a driving force behind the green transition. This characterises our common direction and further development of our core activities. We educate people who can solve the social challenges of our time.

Objective:  Green transition characterises the development of our organisation.

We will

  • prioritise areas of research that contribute to a transition that is both green and safe
  • prioritise student-active and innovative learning that helps achieve sustainability goals
  • stimulate green business based on ideas from students and staff
  • reduce the carbon footprint of our own activities
  • develop competence that supports both green and digital transition

UiS will be a driving force in the energy field. We will take on a leading role within the fields of education, research, and innovation. Our expertise within the fields of technology, economics and the understanding of society will meet energy supply restructuring requirements.

Objective: UiS creates innovative solutions for the energy systems of the future.

We will

  • ensure that transition characterises our energy research and educational programmes
  • further develop our position as an energy university that offers outstanding educational programmes
  • prioritise research and innovation related to sustainable energy solutions and safety
  • strengthen interdisciplinary efforts and promote projects within the fields of technology, science, economics, humanities, and social sciences

UiS will be a driving force behind quality and interdisciplinary expertise in health and welfare. We will offer outstanding educational programmes and research that can develop sustainable health and welfare services.

Our research will promote public and occupational health, quality of life and welfare throughout entire life cycles. We aim to counteract exclusion and facilitate safety in service provision. Our academic communities will contribute to research and education related to the political, democratic, and social frameworks of the welfare state.

Objective: UiS invests broadly in knowledge that can develop innovative health and welfare services.

We will

  • collaborate closely with the field of practice in health-related education and research
  • strengthen education and research related to artificial intelligence and technology development, security, and simulation, as well as ethical competence
  • further develop testing and interaction arenas for students, staff and working life

UiS will be a driving force through outstanding educational programmes, research and innovation that creates learning for life.

Through our students and partnerships with the field of practice, we will contribute to better quality in the education sector. We will develop knowledge about, and understanding of, formation and democracy, culture and heritage, history, and prehistory.

Objective: UiS promotes learning and formation for life through new educational approaches, targeting research-based knowledge for kindergartens, schools and working life.

We will

  • prioritise research that provides new knowledge about learning and learning environments
  • strengthen practical teaching and research, and create a good connection between education, research, and practice
  • stimulate outstanding artistic development work
  • contribute to creative processes through innovation at the intersection of art, culture, research, and society

UiS will be a driving force behind knowledge development and change through transparency in all parts of the organisation. Our educational programmes and research will be developed in close collaboration with other academic institutions, with working and cultural life, NGOs, and society in general.

We will practice transparency in internal projects and processes and promote critical reflection and freedom of expression for all students and staff. Through physical meeting places and digital arenas, we will facilitate art, culture, and interaction with society around us.

Objective: UiS promotes transparency.

We will

  • develop multidisciplinary research projects with an emphasis on innovation, collaboration and co-creation
  • ensure knowledge sharing through dissemination and open access to publications and research data
  • help fight exclusion through educational programmes that promote lifelong learning 
  • create and utilise secure digital solutions and artificial intelligence for teaching, collaboration, involvement and sharing
  • ensure better physical and digital access to scientific collections, and develop arenas for creative research dissemination

At UiS, we will recognise the importance of students and staff as a driving force for the university. UiS will be an attractive place of study and work.

We will engage and challenge each other through participant-led processes and social, professional, and cultural interaction. A good learning and working environment is a prerequisite for developing the organisation towards our common strategic objectives.

Objective: UiS has a good environment that contributes to well-being, diversity, recruitment, and accomplishments.

We will

  • adapt the learning environment to students in different life phases
  • involve more students in research and work practice at UiS
  • work systematically with skills development, as well as develop leadership and employeeship
  • further develop trust-based governance and leadership

further develop flexible, accessible, and secure university campuses

To studenter sitter i et klasserom og leser

Management parameters

Green transition

  1. Prioritise research areas that contribute to green transition
  2. Grants from targeted societal missions in Horizon Europe
  3. Student-active and innovative learning with clear contributions to the SDGs
  4. Develop competence that supports green and digital transition
  5. Green campus (reduced carbon footprint from our own activities)


  1. Restructuring energy research and education
  2. High quality increases funding from external competition arenas
  3. Strengthen publishing related to sustainable energy solutions

Health and welfare

  1. Outstanding educational programmes in health and welfare
  2. High quality increases funding from external competition arenas
  3. Strengthen publishing related to health and welfare

Learning for life

  1. Develop partnerships for better quality in kindergartens and schools
  2. High quality increases funding from external competition arenas
  3. Strengthen publishing related to learning and learning environments

An open university

  1. Development of more research projects that involve co-creation
  2. Increased use of digital opportunities for co-creation, collaboration, and involvement
  3. Increased digital accessibility to educational programmes
  4. More programmes of study that offer professional training in working life

A good learning and working environment

  1. Increased diversity and commitment among students
  2. Involvement of more students in research
  3. Educational quality that safeguards various aspects of formation
  4. Systematic work to develop staff competence, leadership and employeeship
  5. A working environment that promotes diversity, commitment, trust, well-being, and co-determination

Video: Challenge the well-known, explore the unknown

In many ways the history of the University of Stavanger reflects the history of our city, and of our region.