Iryna Fyshchuk

Associate Professor

Iryna Fyshchuk


Telephone: 51832224



Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Media and Social Sciences

About me

Iryna is an Associate Professor in the Scholar at Risk program at the Department of Media and Social Sciences. Before coming to Stavanger, she worked as an Associate Professor/Scholar at Risk Fellow at the Department of Political Science and Management at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, where she was working on the research about Digital transformation in Ukraine and EU integration with the focus on the issues of strengthening municipalities’ resilience against cyber-attacks in Ukraine. 

She is a member of Ukrainett - a network of researchers and experts in Norway with interest in and knowledge about Ukraine, member of Working Group “Democracy, Institutions, Digitalization & Anti-Corruption“ in the Hromada network.

Research interest

Digitalization and information technology, municipalities development, public administration, sustainability education, change management processes, international economic relations, international finance.

Selected Publications

Fyshchuk I. (January 2025). Bridging the cyber security gap: Why Ukrainian local authorities need more support for cyber security from the EU (

Fyshchuk, I., Noesgaard M.S., Nielsen J.A. (2024). “Managing Cyberattacks in Wartime: The Case of Ukraine.” Public Administration Review, 1–9.

Fyshchuk, I. (2024). Stronger together? EU Support for Ukrainian Local Authorities Facing Cyber Attacks (2022-2023). Applied Cybersecurity & Internet Governance, 3(1), 204-226. 

Fyshchuk I. (July 2024). How artificial intelligence can help rebuild Ukraine. Blog on the HROMADA – Nordic-Baltic knowledge-based input network to the rebuilding of Ukraine (

Fyshchuck, I. (2024). Strengthening Municipalities’ Resilience against Cyber Attacks in Ukraine, in: Dudzik, S., Kawka, I. and Śliwa, R. (eds). E-Government. Challenges for Digital Public Services in the EU. Krakow: Księgarnia Akademicka, 171-188.

Fyshchuk I. (2023). Information technology in human resource management in public authorities of European countries in the context of globalization – Information, disinformation, cybersecurity. Studia Luridica Lublinensia. Torun 2023 – Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, ISBN 978-83-8180-717-3, 115-123 pg.

Fyshchuk I., Evsyukova O., Smalskys V. (2021). The information and communication support of public authorities in Ukraine in the context of using knowledge management in human resources // “Public Policy and Administration” ISSN online 2029-2872 / ISSN print 1648-2603, Vol 20, No 2 (2021), 260-270 pg., SCOPUS

Fyshchuk I., Evsyukova O. (2020). Effective communication in digital transformation of service state during change management processes in Ukraine // “Public Policy and Administration” ISSN online 2029-2872 / ISSN print 1648-2603, Vol 19, No 2 (2020), 172-190 pg. SCOPUS ( DOI:

Fyshchuk I., Giese R., Tussupova L. (2019). Change management process through tourism in finance aspects according to the transnational project as the new silk road. Public Administration and Regional Development, (5), 581-601.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Fyshchuk, Iryna; Noesgaard, Mette Strange; Nielsen, Jeppe Agger


Managing cyberattacks in wartime: The case of Ukraine.

Public Administration Review.

ISSN 0033-3352.

DOI: 10.1111/puar.13895