Aleksandar Bozic
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51832018
Room: KA A-263
Location: Kjell Arholms Hus, Floor 2, Office A-235
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
About me
Research interests
- Social innovation and interorganizational collaboration
- Community-based social work
- NGOs & civil society in social welfare and development
- Migration
- Preventive school-based bullying
- PhD in Social Work and Sociology – University of Agder (UiA), Norway
- Master’s in Communities, Organisations, and Social Change – City, University of London, Great Britain
- Bachelor’s in Social Work – University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Involvement in international research projects
- COST Action CA23120 (2024–2027) – Religious Identity, Bullying, and Wellbeing at School: A Transnational Collaboration (ORBIT)
- COST Action CA21143 (2022–2025) – Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy)
- COST Action CA18155 (2018–2023) – Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration, and Integration at the School Level
- COST Action CA1611 (2016–2021) – International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data
- Remigrations and Transformations in the Post-Socialist European Region (2013–2015) – Collaborative research with universities and research centers in Austria, Croatia, and Germany
- Dialogue in Transition (2010–2012) – Research Fellowship, ERSTE Foundation, Austria
Academic and professional experience
- Associate Professor – Department of Social Studies, University of Stavanger (Jan 2023–Present)
- Assistant Professor – Department of Social Work and Sociology, University of Agder (Jun–Dec 2022)
- PhD Research Fellow – Department of Social Work and Sociology, University of Agder (Feb 2018–May 2022)
- Social Work and Social Development Practitioner – Over 10 years of experience in transitional contexts, specializing in designing, managing, training, monitoring, and evaluating programs focused on:
- Children and youth at risk
- Peer and gender-based violence prevention
- Adult mental health
- Transitional justice for youth
- Collaborative Experience – Worked with local welfare organizations, public authorities, and international organizations (UNDP, UNICEF, Save the Children...)
Teaching experience
- USV106 Community Based Practice and Social Innovation (Bachelor's level) Course Coordinator and Lecturer, UiS
- MSO 290 & USV101 Intercultural Practice (Master's & Bachelor's levels) – Course Coordinator and Lecturer, UiS
- MSO295 Ethical reflections in welfare practice (Master's & Bachelor's levels), UiS
- MBA 202 Diversity, Inclusion, and Child Protection in a Multicultural Perspective (Master's level), UiS
- BBA303-1 25V Refleksjon, endring, innovasjon og mangfold (Bachelor level), UiS
- SO-304 Social Work at Group and Community Level (Bachelor's level) – Course Coordinator and Lecturer, University of Agder
- SO-407 Social Work Philosophy and Ethics (Master's level) – Course Coordinator and Lecturer (2022) and Contributing Lecturer (2020–2021), University of Agder
- SO-408-1 Professional Development in Social Work (Master's level) – Contributing Lecturer, University of Agder
- SV-402-1 Professions and Cooperation (Master's level) – Guest Lecturer, University of Agder (2020–2021)
- Guest Lecturer, Social Work with Individuals, University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia
- Guest Lecture, Summer School: "Transnational Childhoods in Europe", Odisee Campus Schaarbeek, Brussels, Belgium
- Guest Lectures, Somaliland Erasmus Mobility project in social work, Hargeisa, Somalia
Journal editor
Editor-in-Chief of a Journal of Comparative Social Work (2024)