Supply Chain and Operations Management (MSB255)

Supply chain and operations management is a field that focuses on coordinating and optimizing business processes, from sourcing raw materials to production and delivering products and services to customers. In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the effective management of supply chains and operations is crucial for ensuring the timely and accurate delivery of the right products and services to the right locations in the right quantities. This course delves into the complex world of supply chain and operations management, emphasizing the strategic integration of advanced analytics and data-driven decision-making tools. By leveraging these cutting-edge methods and tools, students will gain insights into the development of sustainable business operations, thus fostering informed decision-making and data-driven operational excellence.

NB! This is an elective course and may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students are enrolled by August 20th for the autumn semester.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The course focuses on key topics in Supply Chain and Operations Management, with a particular emphasis on the benefits that can be gained through the use of business analytics and digitization techniques. Real-world supply chain and operations management scenarios will be analyzed through case studies to understand the critical events and their causes, predict future outcomes, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights. The main areas of focus include:

  • Supply and value chain analysis
  • Sustainable and circular product and service systems
  • Process design, analysis, and optimization methodologies
  • Capacity management and theory of constraints
  • Quality and Lean management
  • Sustainable resource and inventory management
  • Smart production and service concepts and their integration within the supply chain

A variety of business analytics and decision-making techniques, including forecasting methods, decision trees, linear optimization, network analyses, scheduling and transportation models, waiting line models, and simulation, will be used on the cases and data drawn from various production and service industries.

Learning outcome


Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Understand the concepts and principles of supply chain and operations management.
  • Understand the complexity and relationships required in developing and operating supply chain processes.
  • Have knowledge of how to develop and run a sustainable company that delivers products and services with limitations on schedule, quality, and price.
  • Have knowledge of various business analytics and decision-making methods that can be utilized in optimizing supply chains and operations.


Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Be able to explain core topics and develop an advanced understanding of core models, methods, and theories that Supply Chain and Operation Management build upon.
  • Be able to use different theories and models to analyze various situations in an organization and design their own analysis to recommend required actions.
  • Be able to use theoretical models and concepts to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Group assignment and written exam

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Group assignment 1/2 Letter grades
Written exam 1/2 3 Hours Letter grades

The grade will be given in two equal parts:• Individual final written exam taking place at the end of the semester• Group assignment: Students will write a group essay on a topic related to Supply Chain and Operations Management.No re-sit.

Coursework requirements

Individual assignments, Group work (preparation and presentation)
Students must complete all individual assignments and participate in their group work (preparation and presentation) in order to be eligible to submit the group assignment on Inspera and to take the final exam.

Course teacher(s)

Course teacher:

Ali Türkyilmaz

Course coordinator:

Ali Türkyilmaz

Casual teacher:

Odd Terje Høie

Study Program Director:

Ingeborg Foldøy Solli

Method of work

The course will utilize problem-based learning, incorporating project groups. The lecture topics will be covered through a collaborative effort with student groups, who will present their assignment essays. This means the students will work in groups of 3-5 throughout the semester.

The course is divided into parts that partially overlap.

  • Part 1 comprises lectures that provide an overview.
  • Part 2 involves group work to prepare, document, and present essays on specific topics provided by the lecturer. The tutor will provide additional lectures to assist the groups with their topics if necessary. The essays must be presented and submitted according to the given schedule. Any updates and improvements on the essays can be made before the final deadline.
  • Part 3 comprises preparing for and conducting the individual final exam.

A semester plan will be provided at the beginning of the semester. Minor modifications will be made to the plan. All deliveries are via the online system Canvas. The final essay delivery will be at Inspera.

Estimated workload

- Participation in lectures: 50 hours (3-4 hours per week)

- Reading and group presentations: 90 hours

- Group essay writing: 75 hours

- Exam preparation: 55 hours

TOTAL: 270 hours

The course will have one three-hour lecture weekly. Two hours will also be available for guidance weekly. However, changes may occur.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Supply Chain and Lean Management (MØA255_1) 10

Open for

Open for all master's students at UiS.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


The syllabus can be found in Leganto