Løkken, Ingrid Midteide;
Campbell, Janine Anne;
Dale, Philip S;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Experiment with olfaction in reading with young children
EARLI SIG5 and SIG28 conference 2024;
2024-07-10 - 2024-07-13.
Løkken, Ingrid Midteide;
Campbell, Janine Anne
Exploring the Sense of Smell in Digital Book Reading .
Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) Conference: Decolonising Visualities, Visibilising Pedagogies. ;
2023-06-08 - 2023-06-10.
Størksen, Ingunn;
Campbell, Janine Anne
Planer for implementering og IPE analyser i forskningsprosjektet SELMA
Forskningsseminar om Innovasjon;
Campbell, Janine Anne;
Løkken, Ingrid Veronika Midteide
Inside out: A scoping review of optimism and growth mindsets for child development and wellbeing in ECEC.
Earli SIG5 Conference. Learning and development in Early Childhood;
2022-07-12 - 2022-07-14.
Løkken, Ingrid Midteide;
Campbell, Janine Anne
Inside out: A scoping review of the literature on optimism, growth mindsets, and positive psychology for child well-being in ECEC. .
Presentasjon IRECE: Diversity in early childhood education- global and local arctic perspectives. ;
2022-11-21 - 2022-11-22.
Campbell, Janine Anne
The identification of academically talented children in Norwegian kindergartens: Potential, achievement, and error.
The 24th Biennial World Conference of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children;
2021-07-31 - 2021-08-08.
Campbell, Janine Anne
The circular relationship between gender equality and ECEC: History, evidence, and challenges.
Norsk Barnehageforskningskonferanse 2021;
2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.
Campbell, Janine Anne
Think well, do well, be well: Positive psychology, optimism, and growth mindset in ECEC.
Playful learning collegial visit (Denmark - Norway);
Campbell, Janine Anne
Think well, do well, be well..
SELMA startup seminar;
2021-09-02 - 2021-09-03.