Solveig Iren Roth

Førsteamanuensis / avdelingsleder

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Nasjonalt senter for læringsmiljø og atferdsforskning
Avdeling Porsgrunn


Forskningsområder / Fields of interest

  • Mangfold, sosiale relasjoner, inkluderende praksis og læringsmiljø
  • Læring, identitet, livshendelser og framtidsorientering
  • Ungdom, kjønn og identitet
  • Inkluderende praksis
  • Samarbeid hjem-skole
  • Traumer, tilknytning og relasjoner
  • Longitudinell etnografi og case-studier

Pågående forskning / Current research activities

  • 2017 – 2022: ‘How parent engage in their children with special learning needs thinking about education’, financed by Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences/University of Stavanger (pilot project). Solveig Roth (University of Stavanger) and Ann-Cathrin Faldet (HINN).
  • 2019 – ‘Impact of public authorities and educational technology on development of professional digital competence in teacher education and schools’ financed by UH Nett Vest (pilot project). Project leader Professor Tarja Tikkanen (University of Stavanger).

Utdanning / Degrees

  • 2017: Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo; Thesis:   Educational trajectories in cultural worlds: An ethnographic study of multiethnic girls across different levels of schooling.
  • 2006: Master of Arts Pedagogics, Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo; Thesis: How media influences youth identity construction.
  • 2000: BA, Nordic languages (Nordisk mellomfag) at University College at Southeast Norway.
  • 1990: Teacher Education, major in social and special education. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

Arbeidserfaring / Employment

2020: Associated Professor, Head of Department, Porsgrunn. Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural research in Education, University of Stavanger.

2018: Associated Professor. Department of Education and Sports Science, Faculty of Arts and Education. University of Stavanger.

2015 – 2018: Lecturer/PhD candidate/Associate Professor (from 2017). Department of Education and Social Sciences, Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogics. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

2011 – 2015: PhD candidate.  Department of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway. 2012 – 2013: Temporal position as visiting researcher (six months) Graduate School of Education, Bristol, UK.

2009 – 2011: Lecturer, Group leader pedagogics 2010-2011. 

Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences. Vestfold University College, Norway.

2007 – 2009: Clinical pedagogue (training).  Vestfold Health Care, psychological health care for children and youth, 1994 – 2007: Teacher and Coordinator of Social and Special Needs educator. Vestfold, Larvik Community, Norway.

1994 – 2007: Teacher and Coordinator of Social and Special Needs educator. Vestfold, Larvik Community, Norway.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Roth, Solveig


      Educational trajectories in cultural worlds: An ethnographic study of multiethnic girls across different levels of schooling.

      Hefte 269.

    • Roth, Solveig; Støen, Janne; Monica, Bekkelien; Jahnsen, Hanne


      Report on the findings on use of the LP model with data analysis.

    • Jahnsen, Hanne; Støen, Janne; Roth, Solveig


      Report on the findings on use of the Lp-model With T2 Level analysis.

      Høgskolen i Innlandet.

  • Formidling
    • Roth, Solveig Iren


      Den profesjonelle i møte med omsorgspersoner/foreldre.

      Veiledersamling Læringsmiljøprosjektet 2023 ;


    • Roth, Solveig Iren


      Fra teori til (ny)handling: Den profesjonelle i møte med barn som har det vanskelig. .

      Kompetanseløft ri kragerø kommune;


    • Roth, Solveig Iren


      Lærerens profesjonelle rolle: Selvrefleksjon, sensitivitet og kreativitet i møte med barn som har det vanskelig.

      Veiledersamling i Læringsmiljøprosjektet 2022;


    • Roth, Solveig Iren; Faldet, Ann-Cathrin


      Being a parent to children with special needs during educational transitions: Parents’ positional identities’ role in home-school cooperation. .


      2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07.

    • Roth, Solveig Iren


      Young ethnic-minority girls' reflections about their (positionings of) Learning identities and educational trajectories in transition stages. .

      ECER (European Conference on Education);

      2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07.

    • Roth, Solveig


      Digital media as funds of knowledge: Multiethnic learners across formal and informal contexts constituting future trajectoires.

      45th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association ;

      2017-03-23 - 2017-03-25.

    • Roth, Solveig; Faldet, Ann-Cathrin


      Home-School Cooperation: Being a parent to children with special needs..

      ERNAPE:European Research Network about Parents in Education;

      2017-07-05 - 2017-07-07.

    • Roth, Solveig


      "My dad says, Thanusha you must work harder in school": How parents guide young girls as learners during educational transitions.

      The Oxford Ethnography and Education Conferance;

      2017-09-10 - 2017-09-13.

    • Roth, Solveig


      Positional identities in educational transitions: How solidarity shapes future trajectories among multiethnic girls.

      NERA 44th Congress;

      2016-03-09 - 2016-03-11.

    • Roth, Solveig


      Læring på tvers av kontekster. Identitet og læringsidentitet - i et globalisert og multietnisk kunnskapssamfunn..

      Kultur for mangfold ;

      2016-04-11 - 2016-04-12.

    • Roth, Solveig


      Multietniske elever i overgangen mellom ungdomsskole og videregående skole - i et globalisert kunnskapssamfunn..



    • Knudsmoen, Hege; Roth, Solveig


      Betydningen av et godt skole og hjem samarbeid.

      Workshop for et utvalg kommuner i fylket;


    • Roth, Solveig; Nordahl, Thomas


      Positional identities in educational transitions: How parents guide young girls' Learning trajectories.

      ERNAPE ARCTIC 2015;

      2015-08-26 - 2015-08-27.

    • Knudsmoen, Hege; Roth, Solveig


      Læringsmiljøets betydning. Foreldrestøtte og elevenes læring. Funn fra lærende regioner..

      Lærende regioner i Aust Agder;

      2014-11-13 - .

    • Roth, Solveig


      Constructing 'horizontal relationships' or being a 'grown up expert'? The relationship between methodology and ethics based on research in a multi-cultural suburb city in Norway.

      EthicNet ;


    • Roth, Solveig; Facer, Keri; Sarah, Eagle; Helen, Manchester; Paul, Strauss; Wan, Yee


      ‘The Child In The City Revisited: Learning Beyond the School Today’ (Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research’).

      ECER 2013, ‘Creativity and Innovation in educational Research’:;

      2013-09-10 - 2013-09-13.

    • Roth, Solveig


      "Dialogical development of a learning Identity: Three Tamil - Norwegian girls' negotiating ethnicity and gender as 'funds of knowledge'".

      "Researching agency in educational contexts: theories and methods";

      2012-06-11 - 2012-06-12.

    • Roth, Solveig


      Dialogical development of the learning Identity:.

      "International Conforence on Education" ICE SAMOS 2012;

      2012-07-05 - 2012-12-07.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
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