Rosemary Rhiannon Bishop

Associate Professor

ARKEOLOGISK MUSEUM, Universitetet i Stavanger
Museum of Archaeology
Department of Cultural Heritage
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I am an archaeobotanist and environmental archaeologist, and my research focuses on the archaeology of Scotland, North-West Europe and the North Atlantic islands. I am particularly interested in hunter-gatherer plant use, the changing nature of people-plant interactions during the transition from hunter-gathering to agriculture, and changing agricultural practices in relation to climate, environmental and social change.

I analyse archaeobotanical remains from the museum’s excavations, which date from the Mesolithic to the Medieval period, and research hunter-gatherers and early farmers in Scotland, Norway and the wider North-West European/North Atlantic region. In 2024 I will lead a research project at the Centre for Advanced Study in Oslo which will examine the resilience of prehistoric farmers to climate deterioration in early prehistory. I co-lead the FRONTIERS network at the University of Stavanger (with Dr Daniel Fredh, University of Stavanger) (

Please see my personal website for further information:


Research Interests

  • Archaeobotany: continuity and change in crop production, land use, wild plant gathering, use of fuels and human-environment interactions

  • Mesolithic and Neolithic archaeology: hunter-gatherer and early farmer economies, hunter-gatherer plant use, changing agricultural practices, speed and nature of the transition to agriculture, adaptations to challenging environments and climate change

  • Archaeobotanical taphonomy and experimental archaeology

  • Role, potential and issues with the use of archaeological data to inform current and future responses to climate/environmental change

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • van de Lagemaat, Ester; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Dahl, Barbro Irene


      Arkeologisk og naturvitenskapelig undersøkelse av hus fra yngre romertid og folkevandringstid på Løland gnr. 247 bnr. 2 i Sandnes kommune, Rogaland (id. 219567). .

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2023/04.

    • Ødegaard, Marie; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Lechterbeck, Jutta


      Arkeologisk undersøkelse av bosetningsspor. Diagonalen. id 142078, gnr. 19, bnr. 1. i Stavanger kommune. .

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2023/08.

    • van de Lagemaat, Ester; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Jensen, Christin E


      Arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige undersøkelser av steinalderlokalitet Ausetjørna 2 (id. 277871). .

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2023/23.

    • Warren, Graeme; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Moucheron, Martin; Redmond, James Joseph


      Archaeological Fieldwork at Sgòr an Eoin 2022: interim report 1.

    • Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Undersøkelse av tre stakketufter (ID 24191, 61080 og 65731) fra vikingtid/middelalder på Hå Søndre. Gnr. 10, Bnr. 5, Hå kommune .

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2021/14.

    • Sørskog, Oliver Djøseland; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Arkeologisk undersøkelse av en mesolittisk boplass på Sør-Hidle, gnr. 65, bnr. 7,12, Strand kommune, Rogaland..

      Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

      Hefte 2021/5.

  • Formidling
    • Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Vegetation history/prehistoric agriculture in Rogaland/SW Norway.

      Introduction to the programme research area FRONTIERS (From foragers to farmers in North-West Europe: Interdisciplinary studies of people, environment and society from the Mesolithic to Bronze Age);

      2023-02-28 - .

    • Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      FRONTIERS workshop introduction.

      Understanding the transition to agriculture and the development of early agricultural practices in Norway;

      2023-11-06 - .

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Gröcke, Darren R.; Thomas, Antonia S.; Lee, Daniel H. L.; Church, Mike J.


      Investigating crop growing conditions and changing cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland using archaeobotanical and stable isotope analysis.

      Nordic Archaeobotany Group conference;

      2023-11-14 - 2023-11-15.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Gröcke, Darren R.; Thomas, Antonia S.; Lee, Daniel H. L.; Church, Mike J.


      Adaptation and resilience of cereal cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland.

      European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

      2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.

    • Timpany, Scott; Haston, Sarah-Jane; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Card, Nick


      Farming at the edge – neolithic agricultural evidence from the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney.

      European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

      2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.

    • Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Inferring Agricultural Practices in Southwestern Norway Using Stable Isotope Analysis of Charred Cereal Grains.

      28th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

      2022-08-31 - 2022-09-03.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Fredh, Erik Daniel


      Continuity or change in cultivation practices in South-west Norway from the Neolithic to Iron Age?.

      19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany;

      2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, Mike J.; Gröcke, Darren R.


      Resilience and adaptation of cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland.

      Human Agency and Global Challenges Re-Centering Social Change in Archaeology Conference;

      2022-09-15 - 2022-09-17.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Kubiak-Martens, L.; Warren, Graeme M.; Church, Mike J.


      Getting to the Root of the Problem: on the importance of plant root foods in Mesolithic hunter-gatherer subsistence in Europe.

      19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany;

      2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Plants and People in Mesolithic Scotland.

      Prehistory on the Edge Conference;

      2022-11-11 - 2022-11-12.

    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, Mike J.; Gröcke, Darren R.


      Adaptation and changing land-use in Neolithic Scotland.

      Association for Environmental Archaeology Conference;

      2022-12-02 - 2022-12-04.

    • Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      Enigmatic earthworks: the interpretation of hay-stack foundations in south-western Norway.

      Nordic Archaeobotany Group (NAG) meeting;


    • Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


      People, plants and fire in the Mesolithic and Neolithic.

      Forskerforum, Arkeologisk Museum, University of Stavanger;

      2020-12-01 - .

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