Natalia Kucirkova


Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children’s digital reading enhanced with smell: insights from an empirical study in Norway .

      Sensing Stories Conference;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Edtech Quality Frameworks.



    • Erstad, Ola Andres; Mangen, Anne; Blikstad-Balas, Marte; Kucirkova, Natalia; Aarsand, Pål André


      Ulike lesemåter er viktigere enn krangling om skjerm.


      ISSN 1503-2892.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Decoding EdTech Evidence: Are Our Kids Really Learning?.

      SXSW Austin;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Panel Discussion: Technology and Early Childhood Education .

      LiFT SYmposium, University of Oxford;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; fahad, Loleta


      Inspirational Women in Academia.

      Frontiers in Education.

      ISSN 2504-284X.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Den gode digitale lesestunden.


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The Opportunities and Drawbacks of AI-Powered Reading Coaches, Assistants and Tutors.

      Ed Surge.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      A Partnership Industry for Impactful Ed-Tech .

      Stanford Social Innovations Reveiw Blog.

    • Løkken, Ingrid Midteide; Campbell, Janine Anne; Dale, Philip S; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Experiment with olfaction in reading with young children .

      EARLI SIG5 and SIG28 conference 2024;

      2024-07-10 - 2024-07-13.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Undheim, Marianne; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria


      PUST - Profesjonsfaglig utviklingsprosjekt i Stavanger og Tromsø.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      NRK Nyhetsmorgen .

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      NRK Distriksnyheter.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Man bør tenke nøye igjennom hvilke apper man bruker sammen med barna.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Academia’s culture of overwork almost broke me, so I’m working to undo it.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Blanket solutions to disadvantage get snagged on interwoven identities.

      Times Higher Education.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Leser vil ha siste nytt fra forskerne.


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Pahl, Kate; Fiona, Scott; Melanie, Hall; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Lockdown literacies.

      Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.

      ISSN 1468-7984.

      Volum 23.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.1177/14687984231161720

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children – Findings from Evaluation of Bookstart in Norway.

      Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Gausel, Elisabeth Stray


      Barns opplevelse av lukt og dufter.

      FILIORUMs ressursbank.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Gausel, Elisabeth Stray


      Children’s experiences of smells and scents.

      FILIORUMs ressursbank.

    • Sterri, Aksel Braanen; Kucirkova, Natalia; Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen


      Er Norge verdens beste land å bo i?.


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Ethics: fund an independent system to verify EdTech.


      ISSN 0028-0836.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      With generative AI, the consequences of no independent verification of Edtech evidence are looming large.

      LSE - Parenting for a digital future.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Personalized Education Is Not a Panacea. Neither Is Artificial Intelligence.

      The 74.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital Books Benefit Equitable Children's Reading.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Will AI Transform Educational Standards of Evidence?.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      3 Educational Challenges for Personalized AI Tutors .

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Le livre parfumé, un objet hybride: Sensory Books project.

      Le livre parfumé, un objet hybride;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Livingstone, Sonia; Radesky, Jenny


      Faulty screen time measures hamper national policies: here is a way to address it.

      Frontiers in Psychology.

      ISSN 1664-1078.

      Volum 14.

      DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1243396

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      EdTech Startups make evidence their North Star .

      Startup Magazin.

      ISSN 2083-909X.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Erstad, Ola


      Den digitale forbudstid.


      ISSN 0805-3839.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Schewe, Olav


      Kule læringsapper men funker de?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Why EdTech must prioritise research and innovation from the Global South.

      Agenda - The World Economic Forum.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Mangen, Anne


      Det trengs uavhengig forskning til å avgjøre læringsutbytte av digitale læremidler.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      How can philanthropy catalyse a system-wide change in EdTech?.

      Alliance Magazine.

      ISSN 1528-9788.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Norge har en ny strategi for digitalisering i barnehager og skoler. Vil den virke?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Undheim, Marianne; Dardanou, Maria


      Barnehagen kan glede seg over en spennende strategi for digital kompetanse og infrastruktur.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      How can teachers judge the efficacy of edtech?.


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Blanket solutions to disadvantage elide identities.

      The Times Higher Education Supplement.

      ISSN 0049-3929.

    • Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg; Kucirkova, Natalia; Hansen, Kai Arne


      Trenger vi egentlig bøker?.


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Dardanou, Maria; Unstad, Torstein; Undheim, Marianne; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Workshop-based professional development of Early childhood educators’ digital competence.

      Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2023;

      2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.

    • Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard; Kucirkova, Natalia; Sareen, Siddharth


      Leser vil ha siste nytt fra forskerne .


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children’s Scented Stories.

      Smell Expo-Odeuropa;

      2023-11-29 - 2023-11-30.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      A daycare center in the metaworld: what is it like?.



    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Gründeren sjekker kvaliteten på appene: «Digitale læremidler kan virke mot sin hensikt» .

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Lumping EdTech Under Screentime Can Damage Education .

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Florence Bell died unrecognised for her contributions to DNA science – decades on female researchers are still being sidelined .

      The Conversation.

      ISSN 2201-5639.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      AI Is Telling Bedtime Stories to Your Kids Now.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Bekymret for mye skjermtid i isolasjon? Her er ekspertenes råd.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Barns rettigheter må stå sentralt i det digitale samfunnet.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      International Data Privacy Day: Best Practices Regarding Children's Learning .

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digitalt bibliotek for ukrainske barn – fra Norge til verden.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Dette er grunnen til at du blir avhengig av TikTok.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Hva skjer når norske skolebarns personvern havner i amerikanske hender?.

      Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).

      ISSN 0804-3116.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      EdTech has not lived up to its promises — here's how to turn that around.

      Agenda - The World Economic Forum.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Hva skal til for at internett blir trygt og tilrettelagt for barn?.

      ISSN 1891-635X.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Dårlig design er det aller største problemet i barns teknologibruk.

      ISSN 1891-635X.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Ukrainian children desperately need books – UK publishers, please help.

      The Bookseller.

      ISSN 0006-7539.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital Picture Books: A New Opportunity for Children Whose Parents Do Not Read With Them.

      The Good Men Project.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The promising world of children's digital books.


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Et hierarki av flyktninger?.


      ISSN 0805-3839.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital ulikhet : et forslag .


      ISSN 0805-3839.

    • Bus, Adriana Gerarda; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital picture books : A new opportunity for children whose parents do not read with them.

      Child & Family Blog.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Rowsell, Jennifer


      Living with digital materialisations of self.

      Learning, Media & Technology.

      ISSN 1743-9884.

      Volum 47.

      Hefte 3.


      DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2105353

    • Unstad, Torstein; Undheim, Marianne; Dardanou, Maria; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Challenges and opportunities of digital technology use in Norwegian ECEC settings.

      EECERA 2022;

      2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26.

    • Undheim, Marianne; Kucirkova, Natalia; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria


      PUST prosjektet - en oppsummering (workshop i Stavanger).

      Workshop PUST-prosjektet;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Norges første luktutstilling på Vitenfabrikken: – Æsj, det lukter bæsj!.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      World's First Children's Olfactory Exhibition Launched in Norway.

      Perfumer & Flavorist.

      ISSN 0272-2666.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Ingebretsen, Trond


      Hva skjer når norske skolebarns personvern havner i amerikanske hender?.

      Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).

      ISSN 0804-3116.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Opinion: EdTech has not lived up to its promises — here's how to turn that around.

      Agenda - The World Economic Forum.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Hvordan skaper utdanningsteknologi et hierarki mellom lærere?.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Alle barn fortjener tilgang til teknologier av høy kvalitet.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Personalisering i læring: the good, the bad and the unknown.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      NRK Nyheter Rogaland, Lnasering av utstillingen på Vitenfabrikken.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children's Literature Goes Digital, Federation of European Literacy Associations, Children’s literary experiences with digital books.

      Children's Literature Goes Digital;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Sensory books – coming back to our senses to transform children’s digital reading.

      Sesnational Books;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Collaborative design of olfactory digital books.

      International Conference of the United Kingdom Literacy Association;

      2022-07-01 - 2022-07-03.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Stray Gausel, Elisabeth


      Conceptualising, Designing and Implementing a Scented Adventure Trail for Kindergarten Children.

      The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education;

      2022-07-07 - 2022-07-10.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Inclusive design for children's digital books.

      International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction for Disability Inclusion;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Utforsker rollen av luktesansen i barns lesing.

      Norsk Barnehagekonferanse;

      2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Grøver, Vibeke


      Correction to: The Importance of Embodiment and Agency in Parents’ Positive Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children (Early Childhood Education Journal, (2022), 10.1007/s10643-022-01415-1).

      Early Childhood Education Journal.

      ISSN 1082-3301.

      DOI: 10.1007/s10643-022-01434-y

    • Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie; Hoel, Trude; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Presentasjon av FILIORUM og nye tildelinger fra NFR.

      Møte med rektoratet UiS;

      2021-01-25 - .

    • Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie; Hoel, Trude; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Nye prosjekter i FILIORUM, og strategi og framdrift i Ressursbanken .

      Referansegruppemøte FILIORUM;

      2021-01-28 - .

    • Leaton Gray, Sandra; Kucirkova, Natalia


      AI and the human in education: Editorial.

      London Review of Education.

      ISSN 1474-8460.

      DOI: 10.14324/LRE.19.1.10

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Unstad, Torstein; Undheim, Marianne; Dardanou, Maria


      Profesjonell faglige utvikling med digital teknologi hos barnehagepersonalet gjennom workshop.

      Lærerutdanningskonferansen 2021;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      What is next for children who grew up with the personalisation revolution? .

      Parenting for a Digital Future (14 Apr 2021).

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Undheim, Marianne


      Er du bekymret for barnas «skjermtid»? Det er ikke skjermen som er problemet!.

    • Barshay, Jill; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Paper beats pixels on most picture books, research finds.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Cremin, Teresa


      Reciprocal reading for pleasure in online and offline reading communities .

      United Kingdom Literacy Association International Conference;

      2021-07-02 - 2021-07-04.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Cremin, Teresa


      Peering out the children’s literature window into children’s engagement with multimedia texts.

      International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature International Conference;

      2021-06-23 - 2021-06-26.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Bus, Adriana Gerarda


      A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper versus Screen: A Meta-analysis.

      Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;

      2021-07-13 - 2021-07-16.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital Personalized Learning: Conceptualization, Operationalization and Impact.

      The 19th Biennial EARLI Conference;

      2021-08-23 - 2021-08-28.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      En digital bok kan göra att någon hittar läsglädjen för första gången.

      Special Nest.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The Digitized and Quantified "You": Where Is Our Agency?.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Begrepet «skjermtid for små barn» er unyansert.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

      Hefte 21.06.2021.

    • Undheim, Marianne; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Developing Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ digital competence through a national learning network.

      EECERA online festival 2021;

      2021-09-01 - 2021-09-17.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Mangelen på evalueringskriterier for barnas apper er ikke lenger holdbar.

      Dagens Perspektiv.

      ISSN 2535-6801.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      How can books hit the sweet spot between the reader and the story character?.

      British Educational Research Association: Blogs.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Kvaliteten på historien og voksenrollen betyr mer for barns læring enn bokas format.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The Educational Power—and the Limits—of Personalized Children’s Books.

      Scientific American.

      ISSN 0036-8733.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Å si nei til Facebook er å si ja til fremtiden.

      Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).

      ISSN 0804-3116.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The Internet Needs New Rules: My Top Three.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      What Makes Social Media Harmful?.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The Key Ingredients of Children’s Favorite Storybooks.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Ensuring EdTech is truly educational.


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      How the Internet Shapes Who We Are.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Internett og oss i framtiden.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Undheim, Marianne; Kucirkova, Natalia; Unstad, Torstein; Dardanou, Maria


      Digital kompetanse og forskningsperspektiver (workshop i Stavanger).

      Workshop PUST-prosjektet;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital utdanning uten pedagogiske regler.

      ISSN 1894-8995.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Vi må samarbeide for å gjøre barns teknologibruk trygg og utviklende.


      ISSN 0805-3847.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Dufteinntrykk og barns digitale lesning.



    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children’s digital reading.

      Education and Digital Skills: A Conversation Event;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Her er barnet helten i boka.

    • Pollarolo, Enrico; Kucirkova, Natalia; Størksen, Ingunn; Skarstein, Tuula Helka


      Perceptions of Norwegian early childhood educators on children's critical thinking skills.

      Norske barnehageforskningskonferanse;

      2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.

    • Collier, Diane R.; Kucirkova, Natalia


      Editorial September 2021.


      ISSN 1741-4350.

      DOI: 10.1111/lit.12260

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digitale bildebøker for barn.

      FILIORUMs ressursbank.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children's digital books.

      FILIORUMs ressursbank.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The silver lining in corona times: video-call shared reading with children

      LSE Parenting for Digital Future.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      And a Selfie Must Follow, as the Night the Day The Psychology Today

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      4th International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems 'What does good look like: From design, research, and practice to policy'Co-located with ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference 2020 - London, England.

      ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference 2020;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Hoel, Trude


      The silver lining in corona times: video-call shared reading with children.

      LSE - Parenting for a digital future.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Hvordan kan man lykkes med å bli mer synlig som forsker og hvorfor er det viktig med digital synlighet?.

      Forskningsledelse på Vestlandet;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Høytlesing med barn.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Education Week.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      How to Use Digital Reading Programs During COVID-19. Teachers Still Matter.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Allsop, Yasemin; Rzyankina, Ekaterina; Rowsell, Jennifer; Wildfeuer, Janina; Zhao, Sumin


      The Shelfie phenomenon and academics: a multi-disciplinary research case study .

      Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic conference;

      2020-11-03 - 2020-11-04.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Donohue, Chip; Highfield, Kate


      Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, Effective Classroom Practices for Integrating Technology .

      Bright Start Conference;

      2020-12-09 - 2020-12-12.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The value of good mentors.

      Inspiring Women at WELS;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie; Cranner, Kristin Vestrheim


      Full uttelling for barnehageforskningen ved UiS.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Klikk, rist og sveip - drømmer og dilemmaer i det interaktive bildebokfeltet i Norge.

      Numer : tidsskrift for tegning, illustrasjon og bokkunst.

      ISSN 0807-1152.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Why Fathers Who Read to Their Children Are the Coolest.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Digital Shadows Remain Even if You Can't See Them.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Next Time We Zoom, Show Me Your Hands.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      A Time Without Touch Is an Opportunity to Rethink Its Place.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      And a Selfie Must Follow, as the Night the Day.

      Psychology Today.

      ISSN 0033-3107.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Collier, Diane R.




      ISSN 1741-4350.

      Volum 54.

      Hefte 3.

      DOI: 10.1111/lit.12228

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Study links high levels of screen time to slower child development .

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      I was interviewed by a BBC journalist Gorana Jelovina for a planned programme about children's screentime..

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Reader, come home: the reading brain in a digital world.

      Journal of Children and Media.

      ISSN 1748-2798.

      DOI: 10.1080/17482798.2019.1574280

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Personalised pluralisation in art.

      Wired Speakers Series;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Organiser and Chair of Symposium1 ‘Cross-disciplinary and international insights into children’s reading on screen’ and Symposium2 ‘Reconceptualizing Book Sharing with Young Children in a Digital Era’ and presenter of Individual paper ‘Promising Personalized Features of Digital Books’, Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference, Manchester, UK.

      Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference;

      2019-03-07 - 2019-03-09.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Symposium Chair for ‘Children’s reading on screen: the unique case of digital books’ and presenter of paper ‘Insights from research on children’s digital books in the UK’, Skriv! Les! Conference, Stavanger, Norway.

      Skriv! Les! Conference;

      2019-05-07 - 2019-05-09.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Co-organiser of interdisciplinary workshop 3rd KidRec Workshop: What does good look like?, ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference, Boise, Idaho, USA.

      ACM IDC 2019;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Organiser and chair of symposium ‘Turning to Affect to Imagine Socially Just Pedagogies for Reading for Pleasure’, UKLA International Conference, Sheffield, UK.

      UKLA International Conference;

      2019-07-12 - 2019-07-14.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Families reading with young children in the digital age: Insights from research.

      Bokstart – språk fra første stund;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Young children's use of apps: myths, realities and evidence-based criteria.

      Policy-maker and librarians meeting;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      E-books, apps and algorithms: the positives and limitations of children’s reading on screen.

      Closing project conference Erasmus+ project on Augmented Reading/Cyprus;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia; Collier, Diane


      Editorial for Literacy (Wiley).


      ISSN 1741-4350.

      Volum 53.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1111/lit.12193

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Connecting research to practice: personalized education, invited keynote, Nordic Edge Expo EdTech Conference, Stavanger, Norway.

      EdTech Conference;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Reading in the 21st Century: What Skills and Values do we need?.

      Foreningen Les! Annual Conference;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Use of Digital Resources in Early Childhood Literacy Development.

      Pre-Conference Institute, International Literacy Association, Annual Conference;

      2019-10-10 - 2019-10-13.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Exploring Key Issues in Early Childhood and Technology (invited panelist, panel chaired by Chip Donohue).

      the NAEYC Annual Conference;

      2019-11-20 - 2019-11-23.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Forget swiping. Your next date will be based on your genes.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Exploring Key Issues in Early Childhood and Technology- panellist part of a symposium.

      the NAEYC Annual Conference;

      2019-09-20 - 2019-09-22.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Turning to Affect to Imagine Socially Just Pedagogies for Reading for Pleasure.

      UKLA International Conference;

      2019-07-12 - 2019-07-14.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Connecting research to practice: personalized education.

      Nordic Edge Expo;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Personalised pluralisation in art,Wired Speaker Series, Conde Nast College, London, Invited presentation.

      Conde Nast College;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Pedagogical and digital competence in Time municipality: insights from research .

      Time kommune;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Children’s personalised books: a look back and a look ahead.

      University of Berkeley ;


    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The International Collective of Children's Digital Books.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Reading to your child? Digital books are as important as print books.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      The borderlines of datafied selves.

      Me, Family.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      Website with resources for teachers and designers in English and Norwegian, funded by Grant No. 275576 from The Research Council of Norway.

    • Kucirkova, Natalia


      I contributed to this MOOC by the Open University 'Childhood in the digital age'

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway