Ethics in research

UiS is responsible for research conducted at the university being performed in accordance with laws and existing standards and principles.

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If there is reason to believe that research at UiS is in violation of good research practices and recognised scientific and ethical principles, a report on misconduct be handled in accordance with applicable procedures at the university. Transperency about ethics in research reflects a central value for UiS - involving - and helps us to fulfill our social mission.

Ethics and regulations

There are several laws, regulations and guidelines that regulate how to do research and how to publish results. In addition to legislation, UiS adheres to recommendations from The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees. The Ethical Guidelines for the Public Service and UiS's own ethical regulations for employees and students also apply.

You will find more resources directly in the text on this page, and a collection of resources at the bottom.

Handling of accusations of potential violations

Anyone may report potential misconduct.

Any report of possible violations of good research practices and recognised scientific and ethical principles at UiS will be processed in accordance with current regulations (see below -currently only available in Norwegian). You will find practical information about reporting, processing and follow-up of specific cases in separate guidelines (see below - currently only available in Norwegian).

It may be advisable to discuss the issue with someone (e.g. a colleague) before putting it in writing in form of a report. Employees and students at UiS may contact the Science Ombud for advise.

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee is an advisory body for research ethics for the University of Stavanger as well as its audit committee.

The Research Ethics Committee shall have a proactive role and stay informed about the research ethics training that takes place at UiS. The committee shall contribute to strengthening training, awareness and adherense to good research practice.

As an audit committee, the Research Ethics Committee shall deal with and report on cases suspected of scientific dishonesty or possible breaches of recognized ethical standards of research ethics. When issuing a statement in cases of suspicion of scientific dishonesty or possible breaches of recognized research ethics, the committee's statements will be in writing and include a reasoned assessment with a conclusion.


We encourage you to read all the information on this page before reporting a possible violation.

You may file a reporting using the buttons available here.

Rights of the reporting party

If you report a possible breach of recognised scientific and ethical principles in a scientific work produced at UiS, you will not be part of the proceedings following the submission of your report. However, UiS will contact you if further information is needed to shed light on the matter.

A statement from UiS in a case concerning possible violations of recognised scientific and ethical principles is not an individual decision under the Public Administration Act (Forvaltningsloven), and there is no right of appeal.

Rights of the accused

Anyone who is accused of unethical behaviour has the right to due process (e.g. reviewing the accusation and the evidence). The accused will be contacted before any investigation is instigated.

If an accusation of unethical conduct is found, after due process, to be valid, the decision may be appealed to the National Commission for the Investigation of Research Misconduct (Granskingsutvalget) by the individual or individuals who has received the decision against him/her.

The reporting party and the accused will be notified when the university has finished its investigation and reached a conclusion.

The Science Ombud

Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
The Science Ombud at UiS

Professor Geir Skeie is the current science ombud at UiS.

The Science Ombud helps spread awareness of ethical dilemmas and issues related to research at UiS. In addition to raising awareness, employees and students may contact the ombud if they have questions regarding ethics in research.

The ombud is independent and has no ties to the university management. One of the main ambitions is to solve cases at the lowest possible level. Even if the ombud has no decision-making authority, the ombud serves an important advisory function.

The ombud can provide advice, help with reporting, and mediate in cases of disagreement between employees related to ethics in research. Reach out to the ombud at