Are you working on your PhD but having trouble finding time to write? Join us for Shut up & write and keep your writing going!

We meet every other week in the Study Lab (KE B-001/Studieverkstedet) downstairs in the library to get our work done. The “shut up and write” method combines intensive writing sessions with well-deserved breaks, keeping you focused when you need to be:
Until 9.00: Get your workplace ready.
9.00-9.10: Short introduction: What do you want to work on today?
9.10-9.50: Shut up and write I
9.50-10.00: Break
10.00-10.40: Shut up and write II
10.40-10.50: Break
10.50-11.30: Shut up and write III
Bring your laptop, water, and everything you need for the working session, coffee is on us. No sign up needed.
Feel free to contact Hannah Tischmann if you have any questions.