Strategic Decision Making E-MBA130

In the dynamic realm of management, making informed and strategic decisions is key to driving success. "Strategic Decision Making" offers a comprehensive exploration of core business economics principles and their practical application.

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Study points




Method of work

Assembly-based teaching

Teaching language


Next start up

Spring 2026

Application deadline


Price information

NOK 23.000 + semester fee+ literature Application and payment terms

This course teaches you how to leverage strategic decision-making methods to maximize productivity and expand growth opportunities, using AI and Excel tools for practical application and hands-on practice.

Professor Robert Krauzbauer


Group of business people discuss current financial and economic on laptop for investment at the meeting

This course is part of the Norwegian programme Executive MBA. The courses are mainly thaught in Norwegian language. In this course you will learn to utilize tools like Excel and ChatGPT to model and analyze these decisions, helping you transition from intuition to model-based decision-making. Through engaging case studies and hands-on exercises, you'll gain practical experience without needing prior knowledge in coding, data analytics, or advanced mathematics. Prepare to enhance your decision-making skills with practical tools and insights, equipping you to tackle complex business challenges effectively.

  • This course will guide you through essential decisions such as target market selection, product feature determination, pricing strategies, effective marketing communication, and organizational design.
  • Market Forecasting: Techniques to predict market demand and refine strategic plans.
  • Competitive Analysis: Identifying competitors and differentiating offerings.
  • Pricing Strategies: Developing effective pricing models for various customer segments.
  • Advertising Allocation: Optimizing marketing budgets for the best ROI.
  • Make-or-Buy Decisions: Evaluating whether to produce in-house or outsource.
  • Organizational Design: Creating efficient structures and incentive systems.
  • Effective Marketing Communication: Strategies for enhancing brand positioning and engagement.

You can read more about the course here: Strategic Decision Making | University of Stavanger (

Knowledge: After completing the course, students will have knowledge of:

  • How to apply economic principles to strategic decision-making.
  • Techniques for market analysis and competitive strategy using model-based tools.
  • Methods for developing pricing and marketing strategies.
  • Approaches to evaluate make-or-buy decisions and optimize organizational structures.

Skills: At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Use Excel and AI tools to model and analyze strategic decisions.
  • Implement effective pricing, marketing, and organizational strategies.
  • Make informed decisions on resource allocation and business operations.

The course is conducted through a combination of lectures, group work, and plenary discussions with case studies. Lectures introduce key topics, which students will explore further through cases, self-studies, and group assignments.Session-based lectures with three sessions over two days. .The learning platform Canvas will be used actively as a communication platform.

Teaching language: English.

Assembly-based teaching, with the option to follow the course digitally on Teams.

You need your own PC to be able to complete the course. It is an advantage if this is a private PC, because your work PC may have installed firewalls or other security restrictions that may prevent you from logging into UiS's digital solutions or platforms.

The lecture dates spring 2026 are under planning.

The exam consists of a group presentation (counting 25%) and a written home exam (counting 75%). Both assessments are graded on a scale from A to F. Students must pass the group presentation to be eligible for the written home exam. The group presentation is scheduled for half a day.

Duration written home exam: 2 weeks, and opens end of last lecture day.

To be admitted to the EMBA programme at the UiS School of Business and Law, you must:

a) Bachelor's degree, cand.mag. degree, second degree or professional education of at least 3 years' duration, education which, in accordance with Section 3-4 of the Act on Universities and Colleges of Education, is approved as equivalent to the above-mentioned degrees or courses of study.

b) The Business School UiS at the University of Stavanger can in special cases approve other documented qualifications that are wholly or partially equivalent to the educational courses mentioned in a. - Admission on the basis of practical competence.

c) In addition, at least two years of relevant work experience is required towards the subject in the study programme. Real competence It is possible to apply for admission on the basis of practical competence, and an individual assessment will then be made.

Prior learning

It is possible to apply for admission on the basis of practical competence, and an individual assessment will then be made.

Requirements for documentation

All documentation for the admission requirement must be loaded into Evuweb. In order for us to be able to process your application, we must have documentation that shows that you meet the admission requirements:

  • Diploma/transcript from higher education
  • Confirmation of relevant professional work experience
  • Resume

If you have your education from UiS or from other public universities/universities in Norway, we will in most cases have access to see this and you do not need to upload anything.
If you have an education from a private college (e.g. BI), from abroad*, or it has been a long time since you finished your education, we must ask you to upload your diploma/transcripts together with your application. You will find an overview of which educational institutions share results automatically when you have logged in to register an application.

Confirmation of the necessary professional experience / current employment must be uploaded. The confirmation must contain duration, position and signature from the employer by manager or personnel department. An employment agreement/CV is not sufficient documentation on its own.

Once you have submitted all the necessary documentation and been admitted to one of the courses, it is not necessary to upload documentation again in connection with applications for subsequent courses.

*Applicants with foreign education must document education, including Norwegian and English skills. See more information at: Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse and Samordna opptak for admission to education at universities or colleges in Norway.

Documentation control of diplomas and certificates

You yourself are responsible for the correctness of the documents you upload when you apply for admission. Use of false documents is covered by § 361 and § 362 of the Criminal Code and is reported to the police.


All the optional courses have separate admissions, and you must apply for admission to each individual course. Once you have submitted all the necessary documentation and been admitted to one of the first courses, it is not necessary to upload documentation again in connection with applying for subsequent courses.

Requirements for applicants with foreign education must document education, Norwegian and English skills. Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed.

Changes may occur.

As of 01.01.2025, the fee per course is NOK 23.000. The fee includes tuition, coffee and lunch breaks, access to electronic teaching aids and digital learning platform, feedback on assignments, exams and censorship. Semester fee autumn/spring and curriculum literature are extra. We reserve the right to change the price and what is included. Read more about registration and payment conditions here: Application and payment terms.


UiS Business School, Elise Ottesen-Jensens house, Campus Ullandhaug
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing

Administrative contacts

Senior Executicve Officer
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning
Senior Adviser
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning