Ellen Fenzel Arnold

Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Saints on the Shore: Coastal Encounters in the Early Medieval West. I: ‘With our backs to the ocean’: Land, lordship, climate change, and environment in the North-West European Past : Essays in memory of Alasdair Ross.


      ISBN 978-2-503-59699-0.


    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Rivers of Risk and Redemption in Gregory of Tours’ Writings.


      ISSN 0038-7134.

      Volum 92.

      Hefte 1.


    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Fluid Identities: Poetry and the Navigation of Mixed Ethnicities in Late Antique Gaul.


      ISSN 2171-9594.

      Volum 5.

      Hefte 2.


    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Negotiating the Landscape: Environment and Monastic Identity in the Medieval Ardennes.

      University of Pennsylvania Press.

      ISBN 9780812244632.

    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      An Introduction to Medieval Environmental History.

      History Compass.

      ISSN 1478-0542.

      Volum 6.

      Hefte 3.


    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Engineering Miracles: Water Control, Conversion, and the Creation of a Religious Landscape in the Medieval Ardennes.

      Environment and History.

      ISSN 0967-3407.

      Volum 13.

      Hefte 4.


  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      James Weber's OWU Experience, 2022 Vogel lecture..

      Vogel lecture;

      2024-04-03 - .

    • Arnold, Ellen Fenzel


      Environmental History.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
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