Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Researching on children’s participation and experiences in Smart cities. Presentation prepared for the Open university of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. 2022-03-30.
Mobility program visit to OUC.;
2023-03-30 - 2023-03-31.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Urban nature as a teaching arena: Children’s learning experiences and kindergarten teachers’ pedagogical practice in urban green spaces .
Greenhouse Research Talks;
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Entering urban nature’s wonderland: An exploration of children’s curiosity and wonder as fostering agents of learning, friendship and community.
EECERA conference 2023;
2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children’s Participation in Smart City Planning.
Smart City Research Conference: Is the Smart City losing traction – and what may come next?;
2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children’s screen use – An anthroposophical outlook. Palabra de Rudolf Steiner, Podcast and FM Radio Program.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children’s participation and learning experiences in Smart and Sustainable cities. Presentation for the Stavanger-Oxford doctoral conversations. FILIORUM and Oxford university.
2022-06-15 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
How to involve children and youth in the green shift? Panel conversation and discussion.
Nordic Edge Conference and Expo 2022.;
2022-05-11 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
An international student’s perspectives and reflections on the PhD journey. Presentation for the DU-UH Introductory seminar for new doctoral students. UiS. 2022-03-10.
DU-UH Introductory seminar;
2022-03-10 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children's participation to achieve Smart and Sustainable cities. Findings, challenges and opportunities.
Presentation for Danmarks profesjonskole, UC SYD, Institutt for læreruddannelse, DK and FILIORUM;
2021-10-11 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Green day at UiS and Children's participation to achieve Smart and Sustainable cities.
Green day at UiS;
2021-10-05 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children's participation in Smart cities - Poster exhibition.
Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2021. ;
2021-09-20 - 2021-09-23.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children's participation in (and for) Smart and Sustainable cities. Poster presentation at the Annual Smart city Research network meeting. .
2021-06-10 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Lessons about Listening: Reflections on Citizenship and Participation in Stavanger Smart City.
Smart city Research Symposium;
2021-09-22 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
PED talk "Future cities, future challenges : Designing smart cities with and for children"..
EECERA 2021;
2021-08-30 - 2021-09-17.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn;
Torkaman, Mehdi
Workshop on citizen participation in Smart cities. .
Annual Smart city Research network meeting;
2021-06-10 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children’s participation in Smart and Sustainable cities: A framework for disentangling challenges and opportunities. .
Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse;
2021-10-25 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Codfish and Sustainable Communities.
2021-01-28 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Partnerships in Smart Cities: Creating Better Cities for (and with) Children through Public and Private Partnerships. In: Critical thinking for smart cities
Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2020. ;
2020-09-23 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Children and the Smart City: Creating Sustainable, Liveable, Child-friendly Cities.
Nordic Edge Expo and Conference 2020. ;
2020-09-24 - .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Child-friendly and sustainable cities - Podcast interview with Activist planet and Podcast and Business. .
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Man kan ikke spise gull.
LatinAmerika tidsskrift.
Volum 18.
Hefte 1.
Montalvan Castilla, Johana Evelyn
Playing Your Way Out of Poverty.
Kula Kula, Antropologisk tidsskrift.