Jutta Lechterbeck


Jutta Lechterbeck


Telefon: 51834077

E-post: jutta.lechterbeck@uis.no


Arkeologisk museum

Avdeling fornminner


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Antoine, Emma; Marquer, Laurent; Muigg, Bernhard; Tegel, Willy; Bisson, Ugo; Bolliger, Matthias; Herzig, Franz; Heussner, Karl-Uwe; Hofmann, Jutta; Kontic, Raymond; Kyncl, Tomáš; Land, Alexander; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Leuschner, Hanns Hubert; Linderholm, Hans W.; Neyses-Eiden, Mechthild; Rösch, Manfred; Rzepecki, Andreas; Walder, Felix; Weidemüller, Julia; Westphal, Thorsten; Seim, Andrea


Legacy of last millennium timber use on plant cover in Central Europe: Insights from tree rings and pollen.

Science of the Total Environment.

ISSN 0048-9697.

Volum 922.

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171157

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kerig, Tim


Inventions, Innovations and the origins of spelt wheat.

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

ISSN 0939-6314.

Volum 33.


DOI: 10.1007/s00334-023-00978-2

Kerig, Tim; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Waszk, Benny; Serba, Philipp; Helms, Tobias; Soleman, Abdulwahab; Hasan, Goran Fakhir; Kolo, Kamal


Geo- and ethnoarchaeological investigations of a cave in the Northern Zagros Mountains (Ashkawta Rash, Iraqi Kurdistan).

Quaternary International.

ISSN 1040-6182.

DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2023.04.012

Serge, M.A.; Mazier, F.; Fyfe, R.; Gaillard, M.-J.; Klein, T.; Lagnoux, A.; Galop, D.; Githumbi, E.; Mindrescu, M.; Nielsen, A.B.; Trondman, A.-K.; Poska, A.; Sugita, S.; Woodbridge, J.; Abel-Schaad, D.; Åkesson, C.; Alenius, T.; Ammann, B.; Andersen, S.T.; Anderson, R. Scott; Andrič, M.; Balakauskas, L.; Barnekow, L.; Batalova, V.; Bergman, J.; Birks, H. John B.; Björkman, L.; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Borisova, O.; Broothaerts, N.; Carrion, J.; Caseldine, C.; Christiansen, J.; Cui, Q.; Currás, A.; Czerwiński, S.; David, R.; Davies, A.L.; De Jong, R.; Di Rita, F.; Dietre, B.; Dörfler, W.; Doyen, E.; Edwards, K.J.; Ejarque, A.; Endtmann, E.; Etienne, D.; Faure, E.; Feeser, I.; Feurdean, A.; Fischer, E.; Fletcher, W.; Franco-Múgica, F.; Fredh, Erik Daniel; Froyd, C.; Garcés-Pastor, S.; García-Moreiras, I.; Gauthier, E.; Gil-Romera, G.; González-Sampériz, P.; Grant, M.J.; Grindean, R.; Haas, J.N.; Hannon, G.; Heather, A.-J.; Heikkilä, M.; Hjelle, Kari Loe; Jahns, S.; Jasiunas, N.; Jiménez-Moreno, G.; Jouffroy-Bapicot, I.; Kabailienė, M.; Kamerling, I.M.; Kangur, M.; Karpińska-Kołaczek, M.; Kasianova, A.; Kołaczek, P.; Lagerås, P.; Latalowa, M.; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Leroyer, C.; Leydet, M.; Lindbladh, M.; Lisitsyna, O.; López-Sáez, J.-A.; Lowe, John; Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, R.; Lukanina, E.; Macijauskaitė, L.; Magri, D.; Marguerie, D.; Marquer, L.; Martinez-Cortizas, A.; Mehl, Ingvild Kristine; Mesa-Fernández, J.M.; Mighall, T.; Miola, A.; Miras, Y.; Morales-Molino, C.; Mrotzek, A.


Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS Model: A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation.


ISSN 2073-445X.

Volum 12.

Hefte 5.

DOI: 10.3390/land12050986

Seim, Andrea; Marquer, Laurent; Bisson, Ugo; Hofmann, Jutta; Herzig, Franz; Kontic, Raymond; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Muigg, Bernhard; Neyses-Eiden, Mechthild; Rzepecki, Andreas; Rösch, Manfred; Walder, Felix; Weidemüller, Julia; Tegel, Willy


Historical Spruce Abundance in Central Europe: A Combined Dendrochronological and Palynological Approach.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

ISSN 2296-701X.

Volum 10.

DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.909453

Tserendorj, Gegeensuvd; Marinova, Elena; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Behling, Hermann; Wick, Lucia; Fischer, Elske; Sillmann, Marion; Märkle, Tanja; Rösch, Manfred


Intensification of agriculture in southwestern Germany between the Bronze Age and Medieval period, based on archaeobotanical data from Baden-Württemberg.

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

ISSN 0939-6314.

Volum 30.


DOI: 10.1007/s00334-020-00814-x

Scherer, Sascha; Höpfer, Benjamin; Deckers, Katleen; Fischer, Elske; Fuchs, Markus; Kandeler, Ellen; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Lehndorff, Eva; Lomax, Johanna; Marhan, Sven; Marinova, Elena; Meister, Julia; Poll, Christian; Rahimova, Humay; Rösch, Manfred; Wroth, Kirsten; Zastrow, Julia; Knopf, Thomas; Scholten, Thomas; Kühn, Peter


Middle Bronze Age land use practices in the northwestern Alpine foreland – A multi-proxy study of colluvial deposits, archaeological features and peat bogs.


ISSN 2199-3971.

Volum 7.


DOI: 10.5194/soil-7-269-2021

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Rösch, Manfred; Rentsch, Melanie


Plant remains from an Apollo Granus sanctuary at Neuenstadt am Kocher, Baden-Württemberg.

Revue Archéologique de Picardie.

ISSN 1272-6117.

Marquer, Laurent; Gaillard, Marie-José; Sugita, Shinya; Poska, Anneli; Trondman, Anna-Kari; Mazier, Florence; Nielsen, Anne Birgitte; Fyfe, Ralph; Jönsson, Anna Maria; Smith, Benjamin; Kaplan, Jed O.; Alenius, Teija; Birks, Harry John Betteley; Bjune, Anne Elisabeth; Christiansen, Jörg; Dodson, John; Edwards, Kevin; Giesecke, Thomas; Herzschuh, Ulrike; Kangur, Mihkel; Koff, Tiiu; Latałowa, Małgorzata; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Olofsson, Jörgen; Seppä, Heikki


Quantifying the effects of land use and climate on Holocene vegetation in Europe.

Quaternary Science Reviews.

ISSN 0277-3791.

Volum 171.


DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.07.001

Rösch, Manfred; Biester, Harald; Bogenrieder, Arno; Eckmeier, Eileen; Ehrmann, Otto; Gerlach, Renate; Hall, Mathias; Hartkopf-Fröder, Christoph; Herrmann, Ludger; Kury, Birgit; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Schier, Wolfram; Schulz, Erhard


Late Neolithic Agriculture in Temperate Europe — A Long-Term Experimental Approach.


ISSN 2073-445X.

Volum 6.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.3390/land6010011

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kleinmann, Angelika; Roesch, Manfred; Wick, Lucia


Botanical off-site and on-site data as indicators of different land use systems. A discussion with examples from Southwest Germany..

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

ISSN 0939-6314.

Volum 23.


DOI: 10.1007/s00334-014-0437-3

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Edinborough, Kevin; Kerig, Tim; Fyfe, Ralph; Roberts, Neil; Shennan, Stephen. J.


Is Neolithic land use correlated with demography? An evaluation of pollen derived land cover and radiocarbon inferred demographic change from Central Europe..

The Holocene.

ISSN 0959-6836.

Volum 24.


DOI: 10.1177/0959683614540952

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kerig, Tim; Kleinmann, Angelika; Sillmann, Marion; Wick, Lucia; Roesch, Manfred


How was Bell Beaker economy related to Corded Ware and Early Bronze Age lifestyles? Archaeological, botanical, and palynological evidence from the Hegau, Western Lake Constance region..

Environmental Archaeology.

ISSN 1461-4103.

Volum 19.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1179/1749631413y.0000000010

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kalis, Arie J.; Meurers-Balke, Jutta


Evaluation of Prehistoric Land Use Intensity in the Rhine Catchment Area by Statistical Analysis of Pollen data ? A Contribution to LUCIFS.


ISSN 0169-555X.

Volum 108.


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kerig, Tim


Laminated Sediments, Human Impact, and a Multivariate Approach: A case study in linking palynology and archaeology (Lake Steisslingen, South-West Germany).

Quaternary International.

ISSN 1040-6182.

Volum 113.


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Schwark, Lorenz


A methodology for combined palynological and molecular geochemical high-resolution analysis of lake sediments..

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.

ISSN 0034-6667.

Volum 126.

Hefte 1-2.


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Schwark, Lorenz; Zink, Klaus-G.


Reconstruction of postglacial to early Holocene vegetation history in terrestrial Mid-Europe via cuticular lipid biomarkers and pollen records from lake sediments..


ISSN 0091-7613.

Volum 30.

Hefte 5.


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Eusterhues, Karin; Schneider, Jürgen; Wolf-Brozio, Ulrike


Late- and Postglacial Evolution of Lake Steisslingen (I). Sedimentary History, Palynological Record and Inorganic Geochemical Indicators..

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

ISSN 0031-0182.

Volum 187.


Bøker og kapitler

Fredh, Erik Daniel; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Jensen, Christin E


Pollenanalyse av kjerneprøver fra fire myrlokaliteter langs E39-korridoren i Agder fylke.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2024/04.

Ødegaard, Marie; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av bosetningsspor. Diagonalen. id 142078, gnr. 19, bnr. 1. i Stavanger kommune. .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2023/08.

Hillesland, Kristoffer; Ødegaard, Marie Kjærnet; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Undersøkelser av buestillinger, driftelege og steinstreng på Haraland IV, Gjesdal kommune : ID 265604, 265620, 265622, 265601, 265600 på gnr. 30, bnr. 6 i Gjesdal kommune, Rogaland.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2022/04.

Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Naturvitenskapelige analyser fra arkeologiske undersøkelser på The Whale, Andenes, ID 37658, Gnr. 41, Bnr. 1, 5, 37, Andøy kommune, Nordland fylke.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Volum 2022.

Hefte 31.

Dahl, Barbro Irene; Husvegg, Jon Reinhardt; Redmond, James Joseph; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige undersøkelser på Jåttå. Gnr. 16 bnr. 1544, 1546, 1547, 1584, Stavanger kommune, Rogaland..

Hefte 2021/07.

Dahl, Barbro Irene; Soltvedt, Eli-Christine; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Utgraving av gravhauger og hus på Forsandmoen. Oppdragsrapport 2019/03.

Hefte 2019/03.

Demuth, Volker; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av bosetningsspor fra eldre bronsealder, romertid og folkevandringstid på Mosterøy Gang og sykkelvei langs Mosterøyveien; Vodl Gnr. 49, bnr 3; Kåda Gnr. 51, bnr 2; Rennesøy kommune, Rogaland.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Fyllingen, Hilde; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Mooney, Dawn Elise


Arkeologiske undersøkelser av bosetningsspor og dyrkingslag fra eldre og yngre jernalder på Leigvam gnr. 13, Sandnes kommune, Rogaland.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Volum 2019.

Hefte 16.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Pollenanalyser fra Skjerdenhagan myr i Stange, Hedmark Fylkeskommune.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Bjørdal, Even Andre Auflem; Mikkelsen, Karoline; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta; Hollund, Hege Ingjerd


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av aktivitets- og bosetningssområde ID177683 fra stein-, bronse- og jernalder, med dyrkingslag, husrester og kokegroper : Sakkestad gnr 36, bnr. 4, Haugesund kommune Sakkastad gnr 36, bnr. 4, Haugesund kommune .

Volum 2019.

Hefte 18.

Meling, Trond; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Mooney, Dawn Elise


Arkeologiske undersøkelser av landbruks- og bosetningsspor fra yngre bronsealder og førromersk jernalder på Varaberg (id 216503, id 216501, id 217017) : Skadberg gnr. 32, bnr. 1233 m/fl. i Sola kommune, Rogaland fylke.

Volum 2018.

Hefte 13.

Lindell, Satu Helena; Fyllingen, Hilde; Lempiäinen-Avci, Mia Marika; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologiske undersøkelser av en sen-mesolittisk lokalitet samt bosetningsspor fra sen-neolitikum og før-romersk jernalder. Id 178709 og 178711, Tjora gnr. 10, Sola k. Rogaland.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2018/15.

Redmond, James Joseph; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologiska och naturvetenskapliga undersökningar av ett röse från eldre bronsålder (id 222338), Gudmestad gnr. 28, bnr. 3 i Hå kommune, Rogaland fylke.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Fischer, Elske


Kontrapunkte : Festschrift für Manfred Rösch.

Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH.

ISBN 978-3-7749-4081-9.

Sørskog, Oliver Djøseland; Lempiainen-Avci, Mia Marika; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av boplasser fra senmesolitikum og senneolitikum/eldre bronsealder, Ølberg gnr. 20, bnr. 67, 71, Sola kommune, Rogaland.

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.


Lechterbeck, Jutta


Inventions, Innovations and the origins of spelt wheat.

Kiel biannual conference;

2023-03-13 - 2023-03-17.

Schülke, Almut; Kirleis, Wiebke; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Bergsvik, Knut Andreas


Marking the land in the Neolithic. Case studies from western and eastern Norway..

CAS Lunch Seminar;

2022-03-30 - .

Schülke, Almut; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Bergsvik, Knut Andreas; Kirleis, Wiebke


Landscapes of action in the Neolithic periphery of the North: Understanding social processes, encounters and economic change in coastal and hinterland areas in the 4th and 3rd millenium BC.

Exploring the Archaeological Migration Narrative: Final Workshop ;

2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Inventions, Innovations and the origin of spelt wheat.

European Association of Archaeologists 28. annual meeting;

2022-08-31 - 2022-09-03.

Tserendorj, G; Marinova, Elena; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Behling, Hermann; Wick, L.; Fischer, Elske; Sillmann, Marion; Märkle, Tanja; Rösch, Manfred


Correction to: Intensification of agriculture in southwestern Germany between the Bronze Age and Medieval period, based on archaeobotanical data from Baden-Württemberg (Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, (2021), 30, 1, (35-46), 10.1007/s00334-020-00814-x).

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

ISSN 0939-6314.

Volum 30.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1007/s00334-021-00835-0

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Dahl, Barbro Irene


Agricultural and social change in Norway between early Bronze Age and Late Iron Age - evidence from soils and Houses.

European Association of Archaeologists 27. annual meeting;

2021-09-06 - 2021-09-11.

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Gebremariam, Kidane Fanta


Anthropogenic soils on Jæren - results from micromorphology, XRF analysis, and radiocarbon dating.

European Association of Archaeologists 27. annual meeting;

2021-09-06 - 2021-09-11.

Lechterbeck, Jutta; Kerig, Tim; Wilkes, Fynn


Session: Agricultural change and social inequality: approaching complexity.

European Association of Archaeologists 27. annual meeting;

2021-09-06 - 2021-09-11.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Klinkenberg, V., van Oosten. R. & van Driel-Murray, C. (eds). (2020). Studies in honour of Corrie Bakels1RezensionenReview of: Klinkenberg, V., van Oosten, R. & van Driel-Murray, C. (eds). (2020). A Human Environment. Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels. (Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia, 50). Leiden: Sidestone Press. 196 pp, 81 figs. ISBN 978-90-8890-906-1. Open Access: https://www.side-stone.com/books/a-human-environ.

Archäologische Informationen.

ISSN 0341-2873.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Out of the mist and onto the table – the origin and spread of spelt at the Neolithic-Bronze Age transition..

Biweekly Colloqium ;


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Rösch, Manfred; Marinova, Elena; Fischer, Elske; Sillmann, Marion; Tserendorj, G; Wick, Lucia; Märkle, Tanja


Field-Grass-Economy and manuring in Southwest Germany between Bronze Age and Modern Times according to on-site and off-site archaeobotanical evidence.


2019-06-03 - 2019-06-08.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Synchronicity and asychronicity in pollen signals: high resolution pollenanalysis and radio carbon based time models for the Neolithic period in the Lake Constance area..

International Open Workshop 2019: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI;

2019-03-11 - 2019-03-15.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Pollenanalyser fra Skerdenhagan myr i Stange, Hedmark Fylkeskommune.

Norsk Pollenmøte;

2019-09-05 - 2019-09-07.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


The archaeological potential of anthropogenic soils on Jæren, South-West Norway. .

38th AEA annual conference;

2018-11-29 - 2018-12-01.

Lechterbeck, Jutta


Pollen analyses from soil profiles (Tananger peninsula, Jæren, Norway) – evidence for plaggen cultivation?.

24th EAA Conference ;

2018-08-05 - 2019-09-08.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Rothkopf, Alexander Karl; van der Giezen, Mark; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Pyrihova, Eva; Nielsen, Alex Bentley


Where the sun don't shine.