  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
    • Teivainen, Paivi; Eliassen, K A; Rubin, E M; Djurovic, Srdjan; Berg, Kåre


      Human apoB contributes to increased serum total apo(a) level in LPA transgenic mice.

      Lipids in Health and Disease.

      ISSN 1476-511X.

      Volum 11.

      Hefte 3.

    • Teivainen, Paivi; Eliassen, Knut A.; Berg, Kåre; Torsdalen, K.; Svindland, Aud


      Atherogenesis and vascular calicification in mice expressing the human LPA gene.


      ISSN 0928-4680.

      Volum 11.


  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Teivainen, Paivi; Eliassen, K; Djurovic, Srdjan; Berg, Kåre


      Effect of cholesterol feeding on apo(a), CYP7A1 and LXR alpha expression in LPA transgenic mice.

      Atherosclerosis Supplements.

      ISSN 1567-5688.

      Volum 4.


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