Bøker og kapitler
Mæstad, Inge Takle;
Braut, Geir Sverre;
Ellingsen, Ingunn Tollisen;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Livastøl, Fredrik;
Molland, Birgit;
Mujezinovic, Aladdin;
Pettersen, Catrine Utne;
Kahlbom, Anette;
Hoff, Tonje;
Sunde, Jone Kristian;
Sjursen, Kari
Utenforskap i Stavanger. Andre delrapport fra kommunens utenforskapskommisjon.
Mæstad, Inge Takle;
Ellingsen, Ingunn Tollisen;
Thorsteinsdottir, Lilja Björk;
Braut, Geir Sverre;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Molland, Birgit;
Mujezinovic, Aladdin;
Pettersen, Catrine Utne;
Angell-Olsen, Mona Lill;
Livastøl, Fredrik;
Hoff, Tonje;
Lundestad, Øystein;
Sjursen, Kari;
Sunde, Jone Kristian
Unge i Stavanger under pandemien:
Første delrapport fra kommunens
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Kommedal, Bente
Does hedging currency exposure affect company valuation? An empirical analysis of Norwegian export companies.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
Rege, Mari;
Sagen, Espen;
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effects of a Parent Investment Intervention on Children’s Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Rohit and Harvanit Kumar Conference on Early Childhood Development: Parenting – Measurement, Impact, and Behavior Change;
2023-11-16 - 2023-11-17.
Sagen, Espen;
Rege, Mari;
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effects of a Parent Investment Intervention on Children’s Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
IFAU and UCLS Conference on Education and Human Capital;
2023-06-20 - 2023-06-21.
Sagen, Espen;
Rege, Mari;
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effects of a Parent Investment Intervention on Children’s Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Advances with Field Experiments Conference;
2023-09-20 - 2023-09-21.
Solheim, Oddny Judith;
Rege, Mari;
Haaland, Venke Furre
Two Teachers: Complementary effects of increased teacher-student ratio and teacher professional development.
Earli SIG 14 bi-annual conference on Learning & Professional Development;
2022-08-17 - 2022-08-19.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Solheim, Oddny Judith
Two Teachers: A Field Experiment Investigating Complementarities between Teacher-Student Ratio and Professional Development.
Educational Resources and Student Performance;
2022-08-22 - 2022-08-23.
Godøy, Anna Aasen;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Huitfeldt, Ingrid Marie Schaumburg;
Votruba, Mark E
Impacts of hospital wait time on patient health and labor supply.
Discussion papers.
ISSN 1892-753X.
Hefte No. 919.
Onozaka, Yuko;
Bergesen, Ole;
Haaland, Venke Furre
Knowledge Spillover through Worker Mobility and Effects on Firms Innovation.
Department seminar;
Onozaka, Yuko;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Bergesen, Ole
Knowledge Spillover through Worker Mobility and Effects on Firms' Innovation.
European Association of Labor Economists Annual Meeting;
2018-09-13 - 2018-09-15.
Haaland, Venke Furre
Bedre helse i gode tider.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Bård, Amundsen
Du får bedre helse i dårlige tider.
Haaland, Venke Furre
"The Lost Generation: Effects of Youth Labor Market Opportunities on Long-Term Labor Market Outcomes".
Haaland, Venke Furre
"The Lost Generation: Effects of Youth Labor Market Opportunities on Long-Term Labor Market Outcomes".
Institutt for samfunnsforskning, seminar;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Godøy, Anna Aasen;
Huitfeldt, Ingrid Marie Schaumburg;
Votruba, Mark E
Trapped in Treatment: The Effects of Waiting Time on Labor Market Attachment.
EEA Annual Congress ;
Haaland, Venke Furre
Unge og arbeidsledighet.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Nyberg, Elin
Derfor blir noen lønnstapere hele yrkeslivet.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Votruba, Mark
Nobody Home: The Effect of Maternal Labor Force Participation on Long-Term Child Outcomes.
Family Policy - Institutuins, Outcomes and Challenges;
2014-04-10 - 2014-04-11.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Votruba, Mark;
Telle, Kjetil Elias;
Nilsen, Stein Tore
Trapped in Treatment: The Effects of Sick Leave on Long Term Labor Market Attachment.
The Essen Summer School in Health Economics;
2014-05-24 - 2014-05-30.
Haaland, Venke Furre
Tapte talenter: Effekten av ungdomsledighet på fremtidig arbeidsmarkedsutfall.
Nordisk Arbeidsløshetsforsikringsmøte ;
2014-06-26 - 2014-06-27.
Haaland, Venke Furre
Barnas oppvekst bestemmer yrkesvalget.
Haaland, Venke Furre
Dårlig jobb start kan bli ond sirkel.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Vortuba, Mark
Nobody Home: The Effect of Maternal Labor Force Participation on Long Term Child Outcomes.
“Labor Markets, Families and Children";
2013-06-18 - 2013-06-19.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Votruba, Mark;
Telle, Kjetil Elias
The Intergenerational Transfer of the Employment Gender Gap.
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Rege, Mari;
Votruba, Mark
Maternal Employment and Children’s Educational Attainment.
Forskermøtet 2013 ;
2013-01-07 - 2013-01-08.
Telle, Kjetil;
Haaland, Venke Furre
“Pro-Cyclical Mortality: What Can We Learn From Norwegian Registry Data?”.
University of Stavanger, Seminar i økonomi og finans;
Haaland, Venke Furre;
Telle, Kjetil
“Pro-Cyclical Mortality: What Can We Learn From Norwegian Registry Data?”.
Norwegian PhD Workshop in Economics 2012;
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effect of Youth Labor Market Opportunities on Adult Earnings.
FIBE og Forskermøtet 2011;
2011-01-05 - 2011-01-07.
Haaland, Venke Furre
“The Effect of Youth Labor Market Opportunities on Adult Earnings”.
The Barcelona Graduate School of economics;
Haaland, Venke Furre
“The Effect of Youth Labor Market Opportunities on Adult Earnings”.
EALE Conference Cyprus;
2011-09-22 - 2011-09-24.
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effect of Labor Market Attachment on Mortality.
Mikroøkonometriseminar, SSB;
Haaland, Venke Furre
The Effect of Labor Market Attachment on Mortality.
Seminar i økonomi og finans 2010;