Disputas for Rituka Jaiswal

Fredag 24. juni 2022 kl. 10:00-15:00,

Rituka Jaiswal forsvarer sin doktorgradsavhandling om smarte energisystemer.

Published Sist oppdatert

Rituka Jaiswal will be defending the thesis “Tools and Methodologies for Power Management in Smart Grids.”

The trial lecture and the disputation will take place in The University of Stavanger, Kjølv Egeland House, E-164.

  • Trial lecture at 10:00. Given trial lecture topic: “Deep learning for smart power management”
  • Disputation starts at 12:15

The defence can also be followed using this link: https://stavanger.zoom.us/j/61565104444?pwd=RlRmY1cyQnpFVnl0eTZWLzMweGwzUT09.

Meeting ID: 615 6510 4444 - password: 714011.