The Board of the University of Stavanger

This is the University Board for the period 2023 to 2027.

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Styrerommet ved Universitetet i Stavanger
The board room at the University of Stavanger.


Anne Marit Panengstuen, CEO, Nortura

Representatives for scientific staff

Ingvil Førland Hellstrand – Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences
Ketil Fred Hansen – Professor, Faculty of Arts and Education
Ingrid Nielsen –  Professor, Faculty of Arts and Education

Deputy members: 
1. Anders Tranberg. 2. Hulda Mjøll Gunnarsdottir

Representative for temporary staff

Marita Kallesten Brønnick – Doctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences

Deputy members:

1. Thomas Meldahl Olsen 2. Frida Layti

Representative for technical and administrative staff

Hege Cecilie Nygaard Barker – Senior Adviser, Faculty of Arts and Education

Deputy members: 
1. Erlend Aano, 2. Lene Katrine Hoff

Student representatives

Sara Bianca Beitz  – UiS School of Business and Law
Benjamin Hille Hagen – Faculty of Science and Technology

Deputy members:
1. Monica Susann Høydal 2. Joakim Ramsland

External representatives

Elisabeth Birkeland Kvalheim – Senior Vice President, Equinor
Ole Tjomsland – Project Manager, Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority
Shahzad Rana – Chief Digital Officer, Northern Lights

Deputy members:
Kikki Flesche Kleiven –  Assistant Professor University of Bergen, Managing Director The Bjerknes Centre
Frank Emil Moen – CEO, Energy Innovation AS

Secretary for the board  – Rector Klaus Mohn


Liv Båkind  

Jorunn H. Barka  

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