Iryna Overko is studying in Stavanger for her master's degree in Business Administration, specialising in Strategic Marketing and Analytics.

Note: the specialisation in strategic marketing and analytics is now a part of the major in Management.
I am an international student, and my name is Iryna Overko. I came to Norway specifically to receive my master's degree in business administration at UiS. My working background is wide, and I started working more than ten years ago.
I was not mistaken in choosing the specialisation Strategic Marketing and Analytics. It delivered on my expectations. Despite having 10+ years of experience and being a part of the company's top management, I was able to expand my strategic knowledge and dive deep into analytics methods and tools.
UiS uses modern approaches to education, for example, I had an opportunity to learn Harvard case studies, to participate in the top worldwide marketing simulator MarkStrat and to get acquainted with the recent academic research. The education program covered the most prominent business issues such as diversity, sustainability, the effectiveness of the business models, etc.
Norway is also so beautiful to the extent that it is hard to believe that you see it with your own eyes, and it is not some kind of a movie or a dream. Nature is breathtaking. The public transport is very comfy. The streets are clean, and the roads are ideal. It is an unforgettable experience.