Our advisors help journalists find information or the right person to interview.
Department of communication and public affairs
We are responsible for communication and public affairs at the institutional level. Press relations is one of our duties.
Vibecke Lykke Olsen
Director of communication and public affairs
Mobile: (+47) 981 16 330
Email: vibecke.olsen@uis.no
Leiv Gunnar Lie
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 30 32
Mobile: (+47) 920 77 057
E-post: leiv.g.lie@uis.no
Karen Anne Okstad
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 30 47
Mobile: 905 59 778
Email: karen.a.okstad@uis.no
Benedicte Pentz
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 41 59
Mobile: 416 82 746
Email: benedicte.pentz@uis.no
Faculties, centres and museum
Museum of Archaeology, the faculties and most research centres have their own media contacts.
Museum of Archaeology
Anniken Celine Berger
Communication advisor
Mobile: (+47) 9300 5355
E-mail: anniken.c.berger@uis.no
Faculty of Health Sciences
Cathrine Sneberg
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 27 19, mobile: (+47) 93 04 54 91
E-mail: cathrine.sneberg@uis.no
Faculty of Social Sciences
Live Kolstad Kvalsvik
Mobile: (+47) 4049 8395
Email: live.kvalsvik@uis.no
Faculty of Science and Technology
Kjersti Riiber
Communication advisor, National IOR Centre of Norway
Mobile: (+47) 995 00 701
Email: kjersti.riiber@uis.no
Cathrine Ommundsen
Communication advisor
Mobile: (+47) 478 60 168
Email: cathrine.ommundsen@uis.no
UiS School of Business and Law
Communication advisor Mobile: +47 404 70 450 E-mail: silje.m.ellefsen@uis.no
Faculty of Arts and Education
Kristin Vestrheim Cranner
Communication advisor
Mobile: (+47) 932 43 872
E-mail: kristin.v.cranner@uis.no
Faculty of Performing Arts
Agnete in't Veld Bendiksen
Communication advisor
Mobile: (+47) 4822 8081
E-mail: agnete.i.bendiksen@uis.no
Centre for Learning Environment
Ina Midttveit
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 28 98, mobile: 995 94 188
E-mail: ina.midttveit@uis.no
Norwegian Reading Centre
Elisabeth Rongved
Communication advisor
Office: 51 83 32 06
E-mail: elisabeth.rongved@uis.no
FILIORUM - Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care
Linn Skjei Bjørnsen
Communication advisor
E-mail: linn.s.bjornsen@uis.no
Knowledge Centre for education (KSU)
Leif Tore Sædberg
Communication advisor
Mobile: 4000 7910
E-mail: leif.t.sedberg@uis.no
University Library
Marie Kulander Knudsen
Communication advisor
Mobile: 47657864
E-mail: marie.k.knudsen@uis.no