Webinar: Sharing and archiving data

Thursday 30 November 2023 09:15-11:00,

Thinking of sharing your research data? Or maybe your publisher or funder requires you to do so?

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classes from the library

Sharing and archiving data

In this course we will go through the basics of data sharing, why it is beneficial, and how it might be done. We will discuss open versus controlled sharing, take a closer look at the FAIR principles, and alternative routes to data sharing will be considered. At the end of the course, we will explore how to best prepare your data for archiving in UiS Open Research Data.

  • Target audience: PhD candidates and staff at UiS
  • Teaching method: Lecture and discussion
  • No. of participants: 50
  • Registration
  • Language: English
  • Where: Teams

After the course you should be familiar with:

  • What data sharing entails and why this is good research practice
  • The FAIR principles
  • Routes to data sharing and archiving
  • How to prepare for and archive data with UiS Open Research Data

Do you have questions?

Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Librarian
Ullandhaug / Arkeologisk Museum
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Senior Librarian
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library