Anne-Kat Hærland takes the temperature of AI research in Stavanger.

While research is being conducted according to all the rules of academia at universities worldwide, AI technology is racing ahead with the financial muscle of the world's largest tech giants, placing humanity in dilemmas.
Is the research community in Stavanger keeping up with this technological rat race, and can they navigate the ethical dilemmas?
Anne-Kat will find out when she takes the host seat at the University Library.
Anne-Kat has spent much time delving into the AI field in recent years. She is up-to-date on the research and keeps track of the rapidly changing technology. One thing is clear to her: Artificial intelligence will change the way we live.
UiS and AI
UiS has jumped on the AI wave and established the research network Stavanger AI Lab, which collaborates with companies, public agencies, and other research communities.
Over 50 researchers at UiS are involved in developing AI technology to improve search engines, build health technology, detect fake news, enhance education, contribute to neuroscience, and behavioral research, and much more. UiS students use AI within their fields, and training in AI technology is offered within computer science studies.
But is it enough to prepare us for an AI-infused future?
The Panel
The preliminary panel representing Stavanger's AI research includes:
- Alvaro Fernandez Quilez, Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence at UiS and head of Stavanger AI Lab.
- Kjersti Engan, Professor of Information Technology at UiS, working with machine learning in the medical field.
- Tom Ryen, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UiS, and founder of Stavanger AI Lab.
Student bar
The event is a collaboration between Forskningsdagene, the University Library, and the University of Stavanger.
Tappetårnet (the student bar at UiS) will provide a bar from 6:30 PM. The event starts at 7:00 PM and lasts until 8:00 PM.
The event is free.