Tourism Theory in Practice (BRL385)

On the course, students will be given the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practice while critically analysing sustainable destination development/management. Students will be able to experience first-hand, the complex practices of destination management and development by means of field work/trip. As a result, students will propose strategic directions for destination development in line with current policy and guidelines.

Course description for study year 2023-2024


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Tourism has been one of the world's fastest growing industries which has led to both challenges and opportunities for destinations to meet the UN's sustainability goals. Today, most parts of society are affected in one way or another by tourism. This especially applies to destination management with regard to its natural, societal, nature management, economies, and local communities.

This course provides an understanding of the tourism system with focus on the destination and stakeholder relationships and involvement through both lectures and a field trip. The objective is to provide an opportunity for students to experience first-hand, the complex practices and processes involved in tourism destination planning and development.

The aim of the course is to engage students in practical application of existing tourism theory. Students are expected to adopt a critical approach to analyzing the sustainability of a tourist destination and to draw on insights gained by hands-on experiences at a specific tourist destination. Thereby propose strategic development directions in line with responsible tourism management policies/guidelines.

Learning outcome

The learning outcomes of this course are as follows:


  • Learn and understand the theory of sustainable tourism development, responsible destination management as well as responsible marketing and planning strategies.
  • Compare and contrast between theory and practice by identifying practical issues related to a specific destination and to suggest and justify approaches to future sustainable tourism destination development.
  • Identify and discuss the sustainability in tourism and the interrelated environmental, economic, and socio-cultural consequences of tourism.


  • Propose strategic destination management directions for sustainable and responsible tourism planning and development.
  • Develop practical skills in gathering and analyzing primary and secondary data and formally presenting their finding.
  • Critically evaluate the wider impacts of tourism development at a destination.

General competence:

  • Be able to reflect on the role of tourism in society and to achieve the UN's sustainability goals (11, 12, 15, 17).
  • Identify key stakeholders in tourism business and policy and their interactions.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

BHO140 Introduction to hotel management, BRL140 Introduction to Tourism


Presentasjon av gruppeoppgave og Individuell skriftlig oppgave

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Presentation of group project 1/2 Letter grades
Individual written essay 1/2 Letter grades

The assessment for this module consists of:a) submission of mandatory written group project description (approved to qualify for field trip attendance); Graded pass/not passed.b) submission and presentation of group project based on field work (podcast/video).c) submission of an individual written reflexive essay 3,000 words.In case of a re-sit exam, the student must retake the course the next time the course is running. Formative feedback:Students receive feedback throughout the semester via face-to-face teaching which will support them to complete the assessments.

Coursework requirements

Group project description
  • Group project description is required to join in the field trip.
  • Fieldtrip over 5 days is mandatory. Costs for accommodation are covered by the school. Costs for transportation to the destination and sustenance are paid by students.
  • 80% attendance of lectures are mandatory.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Marie Christine Lundberg

Course teacher:

Åsa Helen Grahn

Head of Department:

Trude Furunes

Method of work

  • lecture sessions before the fieldtrip to establish the theoretical background and brief students about the course aims, structure and assessment and destination characteristics.
    • Sustainability and destination development
    • Destination challenges (marketing and management)
    • Introduction to the destination and its current challenges
  • Mandatory student group submission of project description
  • Guest lectures with local tourism stakeholders at the destination which will offer insights into current challenges.
  • Debriefing/feedback session(s) after the fieldtrip.
  • Web-based learning support and electronic resources will also be provided.

This module has a capped student number: Maximum 20 students. If enrollment is greater than the number of available places, there will be prioritization based on: 1) prior tourism studies, 2) study progression, and 3) grade point average. 

Open for

Tourism Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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