Do you want to research a PhD on museums and sustainability?

The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities can help you develop your project.

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At The Greenhouse Center for Environmetnal Humanities at the University of Stavanger, you will be part of an active and leading research environment in the field of environmental humanities, with significant expertiese in museology, history and the teaching of sustainability. We are experienced in running big, international projects, and have recently received funding from the EU's Horizon Europe framework for "Petroculture’s Intersections with The Cultural Heritage sector in the context of green transitions" (PITCH). We are also focusing on research and museum collaborations with the project "Blue humanities and environmental citizenship in education and museums".

We supervise Scandinavian- and English-language PhD-projects in the arts and humanities, and focus especially on environmental humanities that are relevant for the museums-sector. Doctoral education takes three years (100%) or four years (75%). According to the Norwegian Research Council, at least one year must be spent in the academic environment of the actual instution that will award the PhD. This year can be be divided up throughout the PhD-period, and can be combined with digital, remote supervision.

Employers in the public sector can apply to the Public Sector-PhD scheme for their employees who are going to undertake a PhD. This is part-financed by The Norwegian Research Council. The employee/PhD researcher receives an education that is adapted to their own field of work and will be able to contribute to solutions to the challenges facing the employer with their research-based insights. After completing their doctoral studies, the candidate will have specialised competence in both practice and academia. The candidate must be an employee at the organisation throughout the whole period. Criteria for acceptance are a five-year master's degree (or similar, e.g. 3 years bachelor's degree and 2 years master's degree (180+120 ECTS) within the fields of humanities or social sciences, graded B or better in the weighted average of the master's study (120 ECTS) and a minimum B in the master's thesis itself. Read more about the scheme at UiS.

Contact us before 5th January 2024 with the following:

  • Description of your project idea, 1-2 pages (either the starting phase or describe several different ideas)
  • CV with marks from the master's degree, 1-2 pages
  • Letter of application where you describe your motivation for researching a PhD at UiS, maximum 1 page

The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities offers

  • Help in developing a PhD project, project description and application to The Norwegian Research Council
  • A rich and active research environment with many relevant academic and social activities, both online and in person in Stavanger
  • Upon acceptance to the doctoral programme, UiS covers the costs for the main supervisor (and possible co-supervisor) at UiS, the training period (PhD-courses/subjects), workplace costs while the candidate is working at UiS, and all ordinary expenses for the mid-way evaluation and defence.

Contact Associate Professor Marie-Theres Fojuth ( if you have questions. The description of the project, CV and letter must be sent to this same email address before 5th January 2024.