Online performance of Psyche

Søndag 14. mai 2023 kl. 17:00-19:00,

Psyche is a research project by Hagit Yakira Dance, and was first performed in Stavanger in 2022. In this project, Hagit and collaborators look at the myth of Psyche as a starting point for discussing the feminine.

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We want to invite you to see an online adaptation of Psyche, which will be streamed live via Zoom on May 14th at 17:00.

It is a glimpse, a taste, a suggestion. A flavour we bring. Walking through a continuum of habits; always a need, not a will, to be patient.

Wanting. Waiting. Weight.


Psyche Online is performed by dancers in Hagit Yakira dance company (Hanne Kristin Jensen, Helene Düring Kjær, Iselin Brogeland, Ingvild Thingnes), composer & vocalist Anna Klungre and a group of online participants from all over the world. 

The performance will be broadcasted at 17:00, May 14th, on this link:
Meeting ID: 675 4169 8127
Password: 588704

Credits (2022) 

Choreographer: Hagit Yakira

Dancers/collaborators: Amy Pender, Carl Aquilizan, Hanne Jensen, Helene Kjær, Ingvild Thingnes, Iselin Brogeland, 

Musikk: Anna Klungre, Bjergsted Vokalensemble

Other performers: Dance students BA1 from UiS and 108 volunteer participants

Filmmakers: Kiraly Saint Claire, Inbar Jeffery

Dramaturg: Eva Martinez

Producer: Ingvild Maria Thingnes

Psyche is supported by Norsk Kulturfond, Universitetet i Stavanger and Stavanger Kommune, TOU, RAS og KRA.

Best wishes,

Hagit Yakira (choreographer) & Ingvild Thingnes (producer)

Hagit Yakira Dance /