Application deadline: Outbound exchange spring 2025

Søndag 1. september 2024 kl. 23:59-23:59,

You can apply between 1 August and 1 September and change your application up until the application deadline.

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Your exchange opportunities 

Find information about exchange opportunities in your study program by using the Exchange map on our main website about exchange

You can check if UiS has an agreement with an institution in a country you are interested in, even if it is not recommended in your study program: Networks and Agreements for Semester Exchange.

You must check whether you can find relevant courses at the institutions you are interested in before you apply. Please note that not all institutions recommended in your study programme are relevant for your specialization. Which institutions are relevant for you may also depend on whether you must take certain courses or can take elective courses during your exchange. 

Contact your student advisor if you have any questions or need guidance.

How to apply?

Log in to the Digital Student Service Desk and start the Exchange Guide. It's non-binding. 

You must register your application for exchange in Søknadsweb within the application deadline. Please note that you cannot register an application until 1 August.

Information about the application process and deadlines. 

Tuition fees

All students going on exchange must pay the semester fee at UiS and may be asked to pay an administration fee at the host institution.

Students going on exchange through Erasmus+ do not pay tuition fees to the host institution. Please note that institutions outside Europe usually require tuition fees, especially in USA and Australia. If you are eligible for financial support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen), you may apply for additional support for tuition fees.

International students paying tuition fees at UiS must still pay this fee during the exchange period and are not exempt from any tuition fees at the host institution.

Meetings about exchange

The meetings are held by the International Office. Welcome!