Anders Riel Müller

Førsteamanuensis i byplanlegging

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for sikkerhet, økonomi og planlegging
KE C-327


My original name is Song Yeongjun/송연준. I am Associate Professor in City and Regional Planning and currently project lead for the Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities, an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty initiative and project lead for the NFR Capacity Lift project Future Energy Hub aiming to strengthen research and regional competences for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods. 


I teach and supervise in the Urban and Regional Planning programme at the Department of Economics, Safety and Planning. I am also affiliated with the Department of Media and Social Sciences where I teach and supervise in the Master in Energy, Environment and Society

I currently offer the following course(s): 

I am also a regular guest lecturer in the following courses:


My research areas include the cultural political economy of urban and regional transformations, economic development, energy, and food with a focus on aspects of justice, democracy, and alternative economies. I am also particularly interested in questions of empire, colonialism, post-colonialism, and decoloniality. My geographical areas of expertise are mainly East Asia and Scandinavia. I am currently member of four research groups/programme areas at UiS: Sustainable urban development, planning and design, Social and Spatial Justice, Digital Society, and Sustainability Transformation. I am also co-host of the podcast Challenging Nordic Innocence where we explore social, spatial, and environmental justice in the Nordic region.

Current Projects

ULALABS: University Lab of Labs for Transformative Societal Innovation - Erasmus+

Research Network for Smart Sustainable Cities (Lead) - Universitetsfondet

Future Energy Hub (PI) - Research Council of Norway

The North Sea: Europe's Energy Frontier (PI) - UiS Seed Funding - Green Transition

Tested in Rogaland (PI) - Regionalt Forskningsfond Rogaland

New European Bauhaus Stavanger (NEB-Star) - EU European Green Deal

Keep the City Ticking: Architectures of Fulfilment and the Infrastructures of Migration and Labour - Independent Research Fund Denmark

Past projects

The ECIU University Research Institute for SMART European Regions (Task 4.2 Lead)

ECIU Urban Transformation Collaboratory

Academic Development through bilateral peer-learning activities on mission-oriented innovation for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities (Local Lead)

Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions

Youth Marginalisation in Urban Areas (Seoul, Shanghai, Copenhagen) - Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science International Network Programme

The Nordplus Network Global & Intercultural competence through practicum in the global south (GIPS) - Nordplus


Professional Experience

Before returning to academia in 2011 to pursue a PhD, I worked with regional economic development planning in Northern and Eastern Europe and the US within the areas of renewable energy, urban agriculture, and climate change adaptation. I worked 5 years in Silicon Valley/San Francisco where I also founded a non-profit tech start-up in 2009 developing geo-spatial visualisation tools (GIS, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality) for climate change mitigation and adaptation in partnership with UN Habitat among others. I founded an organic urban farm in Denmark back in 2005 focused on preserving older non-commercial, but genetically and culturally importand, vegetable varieties with financial support from the EU Social Fund. I have also co-founded two political organisations in the US and Denmark respectively and worked with numerous other organisations and movements around the world advocating for food sovereignty, land rights, and environmental justice. 



  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Müller, Anders Riel; Munch, Ronaldo; Jacobsen, Troels G.; Neset, Tina S.; Telesiene, Audrone; Petrulis, Vaidas; Wessels, Olga


      ECIU Position Paper on Public Engagement.

      ISBN 978-609-02-1854-9.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Teknologiske testarenaer som drivkraft for regional innovasjon og utvikling.

      ISBN 978-82-8439-228-8.

    • Kourkoutas, Konstantinos; Saez, Begonya; Junjan, Veronica; Kuipers, Vero; Lindland, Kristiane Marie Fjær; Hernandez-Palacio, Fabio Alberto ; Müller, Anders Riel; Malmgren, Sara


      ECIU Position Paper on Living Labs and Experimentation Spaces.

      ISBN 978-82-8439-236-3.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      SMART-ER Guidelines for Public Engagement.

    • Kerssen, Tanya M; Müller, Anders Riel


      The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Threat to Democracy and Food Sovereignty. I: Food First: Selected Writings From 40 Years of Movement Building.

      ISBN 9780935028461.

  • Formidling
    • Müller, Anders Riel


      The Celebration of Gastrocapitalist Entrepreneurs in Fine Dining.

      Natural Wine, Labour, and and Migration: On working with wine and other perspectives ;


    • Syse, Helleik Rosenvinge; Hågbo, Trond-Ola; Giljarhus, Knut Erik Teigen; Müller, Anders Riel


      Er små vindmøller en god investering?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Pezzotta, Micol; Müller, Anders Riel


      Leadership and orchestration of PED projects: an organizational perspective.

      Net-Zero Future 2024;

      2024-06-19 - 2024-06-21.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Future Energy Hub​: Mål, status og fremtidige aktiviteter.

      Future Energy Hub Seminar;


    • Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae


      Towards the Street Smart City: A Research and Planning Agenda for Just Cities.

      ECIU Webinar Series on Public Engagement;


    • Rytz, Camilla; Müller, Anders Riel


      Hemmeligheden i skyggearkivet.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Guidelines for Public Engagement .

      ECIU SMART-ER Research Conference ;

      2023-10-03 - 2023-10-04.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Searching for the New Oil: Preemptive hope and post-oil futures in Norway's oil capital.

      Urban Transformation and Global Change Seminar Series;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Hva er Innoasis Urban Energy Lab.

      Åpning Innoasis Urban Energy Lab;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Is the smart city losing traction?.

      Research Symposium: Is the smart city losing traction and what may come next?;

      2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Hvorfor uttaler Tuastad seg som han gjør om Israel-boikott?.


      ISSN 1893-1618.

      Hefte 07-12-2023.

    • Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland; Müller, Anders Riel; Stensland, Kristine M.


      Snakk om framtidsmennesket.



    • Stensland, Kristine M.; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland; Müller, Anders Riel


      Podcast: Snakk om framtidsmenneske med Ingvil Hellstrand og Anders Riel Müller.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Borgen, Turid; Skretting, Hallgeir; Drønen, Tomas Sundnes; Maasen, Peter


      Internasjonalisering og Akademisk ansvar.

      50 år med samfunnsfag i Stavanger;

      2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Hillesund, Terje; Sætra, Henrik Skaug; Solheim, Eirik


      Er en digital fremtid smart?.

      50 år med samfunnsfag i Stavanger;

      2022-04-27 - 2022-04-28.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Røstvik, Harald Nils; Syse, Helleik L.; Fiuren, Ronny


      How do we create positive energy districts for the future?.

      UiS at Nordic Edge Expo 2022;


    • Fisker, Jens Kaae; Müller, Anders Riel


      Towards the Street Smart City: The Imagined Average, Experts and Smart City Technologies.

      Beyond Smart Cities;

      2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Smart City and Digital Sovereignty panel: Developing strategies for raising awareness about digital sovereignty.

      Smart City & Digital Sovereignty Workshop;

      2022-06-14 - 2022-06-15.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Rice fields, Mountains, and the Invisible Meatification of Korean Agriculture. .

      Agricultural History Society - Annual Meeting 2022;

      2022-08-04 - 2022-08-06.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Searching for the new oil: Climate change and post-carbon futures in a second tier petro-region..

      International Symposium on Critical Policy Studies;

      2022-08-17 - 2022-08-18.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae; Sunde, Ola; Norland, Arne


      Forskningspub om Rogaland som matfylke under energikrisen.

      Forskningspub om Rogaland som matfylke under energikrisen;


    • Müller, Anders Riel; Fisker, Jens Kaae


      Reframing justice in urban planning.

      Impact Attribution Lab Workshop;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Å bekjempe boligspekulasjon.


      Hefte Høst 2022.


    • Müller, Anders Riel; Sareen, Siddharth; Kalesi, Poppy


      Ripple Effects: Societal perspectives.

      MEES conference: crossroads & transitions;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Inter-sectoral collaboration between researchers and practitioners for smart sustainable cities.

      Nordiske frontrunners indenfor smart city;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Opening of UiS/Nordic Edge Smart City Research Symposium.

      UiS/Nordic Edge Research Symposium;


    • Müller, Anders Riel


      The Story of Korean Beef - Nationalism, Myth-Building and Anti-Americanism.

    • Müller, Anders Riel


      Totale Telematik.

    • Wyckmans, Annemie; Lavik, Karina; Laderud, Øyvind; Müller, Anders R.; Mjøen, Kristian


      Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer?.

      Veien til klimanøytrale og sosialt innovative byer?;


    • Muller, Anders Riel


      What about Humans,Nature and Culture in the Smart City?.

      Nordic Edge Expo;


    • Muller, Anders Riel


      Everyday Experiences of Youth Marginalisation in Gentrifying Areas of Seoul and Copenhagen..

      Push - Filmfremvisning og refleksjon;


    • Muller, Anders Riel


      Smart cities, co-creation and democratic citizenship .

      DEMCI Symposium;


    • Muller, Anders Riel


      Is Blade Runner’s Los Angeles a smart city? .

      Blade Runner 2019;


    • Lee, Su-Kyeung; Müller, Anders Riel


      South Korean External Strategy Qualms: Analysis of Korean Overseas Agricultural Investment within the Global Food System.

      Global Land Grabbing II;

      2012-10-18 - 2012-10-19.

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen


      Challenging Nordic Innocence. A Podcast about Spatial and Social Justice Episode 2: Green Colonialism – Wind farms and the Sámì struggles against the Norwegian State.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Nielsen, Sebastian Lundsteen


      Challenging Nordic Innocence. A Podcast about Spatial and Social Justice Episode 3: The Danish “ghetto law” and the racist and capitalist attack on Denmark’s General Non-profit Housing Sector.

    • Müller, Anders Riel; Lundsteen Nielsen, Sebastian


      Challenging Nordic Innocence: A Podcast about Social, Spatial and Environmental Justice episode 1: Introduction to the Concept of Justice.

    • Syse, Helleik Line; Müller, Anders Riel; Kern, Leslie


      How do we design just and sustainable cities?.

  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway