Kristina Johansen

Førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid

Kristina Johansen


Telefon: 51831728 / 45492269


Rom: KA A-233


Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for sosialfag

Kort om meg



Young unaccompanied refugees, psychosocial health, resilience, recognition, participation

Transnational families, grief and grief support


Current Teaching responsibilities: 

- Course coordinator for the master's thesis in social studies (MSOMAS)
- Course coordinator (with colleague) for the introductory course at the master's degree in social studies on the knowledge base in social work and social pedagogy (MSO114)
- Lecturer on topics such as refugees, forced migration and exile; psychosocial health; resilience; recognition; the knowledge base in social work; essay writing; ethics and critical reflection; emancipatory perspectives in social work.
- Supervisor of students writing master's thesis
- Supervisor (kontaktlærer) of students in work placements at BSOP20
- Seminar leader at an introductory course in social work (BSO101), and the project seminar at MSO130
- Marker of student assignments



  • PhD (doktorgrad) in Social Sciences, Specialisation in Social Work, University of Stavanger, Norway (2015-2023). Title of dissertation: Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser: En studie av unge, enslige flyktningers psykososiale helse og deltakelse fra et erfaringsnært og kritisk perspektiv. (In English: Navigating between ambivalent recognition, significant relationships, and everyday commitments).  
  • Postgraduate diploma, psychosocial support (Diplomado en Actuaciones Psicosociales en Violencia Política y Catástrofes), Complutense University, Spain, 2014-2015
  • Postgraduate specialization (Especialización) in Journalism, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010-2011
  • Master's degree (hovedfag) in Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 2001-2004. Title of master's degree: Som i en boble. Velstående colombianere - vold, usikkerhet og kamp om rom
  • First level degree (Cand.mag.grad) in social and human sciences, University of Bergen, 1997-2001


Former work experiences: 

- Research fellow (Department of Social studies, UiS), 2015-2019

- Representative/ guardian for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees (County Governor of Rogaland) 2015-2020

- Short-term Election Observer (Norwegian Resource Bank for Democracy and Human Rights - NORDEM), 2015-1016

- Freelance Journalist (writing for Klassekampen, norske Le Monde, Verdensmagasinet X, Dagsavisen, Stavanger Aftenblad, Kvinner sammen, Apell, among others). 2011-2015

- Social worker/Information Officer at reception centre for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (Hero Norge), 2013

- Non-fiction Writer (book published by Aschehoug), 2011-2013

-   Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Mexico), 2009

- Manager (Latin America Groups of Norway/Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge), 2007-2009

-   Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Colombia), 2006-2007

- Social worker with unaccompanied minor refugees (Municipality of Bergen/ The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs), 2005-2006


  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Johansen, Kristina


      Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser: En studie av unge, enslige flyktningers psykososiale helse og deltakelse fra et erfaringsnært og kritisk perspektiv.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-8439-189-2.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Frykten har et ansikt. Rapport fra Colombia..

      Aschehoug & Co.

      ISBN 9788203294211.

    • Johansen, Kristina ; Bråten, Eldar


      Som i en boble:Velstående colombianere vold, usikkerhet og kamp om rom.

      Universitetet i Bergen.

  • Formidling
    • Johansen, Kristina; Olsen, Gurli


      "Young People in Vulnerable Positions: Challenges, Agency, and Relationships to Professional Helpers in the Norwegian Welfare State" .

      Erasmus Staff Mobility For Teaching in Somaliland;


    • Johansen, Kristina; Tørrisplass, Ann-Torill


      Pain, obstacles, and care in encounters with an ambivalent welfare state: Unaccompanied minor and young refugees’ challenges related to family separation and reunification .

      Nordic Migration Research Conference;


    • Johansen, Kristina


      "Unge, enslige flyktningers fortellinger om ambivalent anerkjennelse i møte med det norske samfunnet".

      Velferdsuniversitetet: Inkludering av flyktninger i skole og samfunn;


    • Johansen, Kristina


      Slik opplever flyktninger møte med norsk skole og samfunn.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Young unaccompanied refugees' experiences of ambivalent recognition in encounters with Norwegian society.

      At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies;

      2023-08-16 - 2023-08-17.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Panelsamtale: Hvordan ser arbeidet med enslige mindreårige ut i framtiden? Hva kan vi lære av vår historie?.

      BYMIF: Endring og kontinuitet i 40 år ;

      2023-09-12 - .

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Unge flyktninger trenger emosjonell, rettslig og sosial anerkjennelse.

      Fontene. Et tidsskrift for Fellesorganisasjonen (FO).

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Ambivalent recognition and resilience in young unaccompanied refugees' encounters with Norwegian society.

      International Resilience Revolution Conference;

      2022-03-30 - 2022-03-31.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Syv suksesskriterier for at unge, enslige flyktninger i Norge skal klare seg.

      ISSN 1891-635X.

    • Johansen, Kristina ; Studsrød, Ingunn


      Young unaccompanied refugees, interpersonal relationships and resilience: A qualitative study. .

      International Conference on Children and Youth in Everyday Life and Professional Practices;

      2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Young unaccompanied refugees’ engagement in interpersonal relationships and its significance for resilience.

      Brighton Resilience Forum;


    • Johansen, Kristina


      Psychosocial support approaches in Latin America - Relevant for social work with refugees in Norway?.

      Welfare Research Seminar ;

      2018-01-24 - 2018-01-25.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Unaccompanied, yet connected: Significant relationships in the lives of young unaccompanied refugees in Norway.

      Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development ;

      2018-07-04 - 2018-07-07.

    • Johansen, Kristina


      Gjør vår egen frykt det vanskeligere å se unge flyktningers situasjon?.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

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